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First Date tomorrow night, need advice please?


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Hi guys,

So this will be the first time I go on a date with another girl since me and my ex broke up about 5 months ago, and I'm in need of some advice. We met on a dating website, have exchanged numerous messages over the past 2 weeks and we've been texting for a day or two. From our conversations, it seems like we click really well and have a lot of the same interests, and to be honest I'm both excited and nervous about meeting her in person.


1) I've often noticed that the topic of giving flowers on the first date is a bit of a controversial one. Yes or no? Some say trying too hard, others say it's sweet and considerate. We'll be meeting at a restaurant, so I think her having to carry it around all night may get nerve racking.


2) I'm big into electronic dance music, and she said she's starting to get into it as well. I'm thinking of making her a mix CD with songs I think she would like. Again, trying too hard or no?


Any other advice would be much appreciated too

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Absolutely no flowers on a first date. Ever.


Also no on the mix CD. It's a sweet idea, but again, not for a first date. Ever.


Just keep in mind that there's only one reason either of you are going on this date, and that's to determine if either of you is what the other is looking for. That applies equally for you as it does for her. Relax, be yourself, and try to have a good time.

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I'm a guy and agree, No No No!


Go out and take a breath. Enjoy yoorself and let it just happen. Say nothing about your last relationship other than a simple answer if she asks you first.


Let this girl talk, ask questions. Have fun and realize that 90% of dates end of good nowhere, so no problem if it doesn't work out.


Don't try hard. Be calm my friend.

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I don't think you should give flowers to her on the first date because you haven't even seen her in person yet. It's essentially a blind date. What happens if she looks much different than the pictures she posted on the dating site? Or you don't click personality-wise? You might be disappointed and not want to continue the evening. I suggest you keep it light and short before planning too much. The second date, if you get one, will allow you to be more creative and romantic. Good luck on your date on whatever you decide though!

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So unfortunately she had to cancel for last Wednesday because she was sick. Friday night she texted me, asking if I wanted to get a movie or 2 from Redbox and watch them at her place. We watched the movies and just talked for a while. Things went great. I thought we really clicked, and had a lot in common. It didn't feel awkward since we had met online. Even shared a few kisses before I left for the evening. Before I left Friday, she asked me if I wanted to do dinner with her Monday, I said of course. Earlier this afternoon she had texted me saying she forgot about a "prior commitment" she had tonight for her best friends birthday..I have a feeling she wasn't very impressed with me in person and is just bailing =\ thoughts?

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lol weird, i got flowers on the first date. dated for a while, too.


Well reschedule the date one more time. If she quits, then I would let her go and date someone else.


For me, if I were to cancel a date, I would reschedule with the guy so he knows I still like him. Don't know about your girl.

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So unfortunately she had to cancel for last Wednesday because she was sick. Friday night she texted me, asking if I wanted to get a movie or 2 from Redbox and watch them at her place. We watched the movies and just talked for a while. Things went great. I thought we really clicked, and had a lot in common. It didn't feel awkward since we had met online. Even shared a few kisses before I left for the evening. Before I left Friday, she asked me if I wanted to do dinner with her Monday, I said of course. Earlier this afternoon she had texted me saying she forgot about a "prior commitment" she had tonight for her best friends birthday..I have a feeling she wasn't very impressed with me in person and is just bailing =\ thoughts?


Did she offer to reschedule?

Yes = good.

No = bad.

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