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I'm making some changes


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Last year was a very difficult year for me. I have been governed by a feeling of apathy and futility since my BU and the demise of one of my best friends. I kept going to work but that was mainly it, wasn't doing that much more..bit of meetup here and there and going out with colleagues. I started feeling a bit better after September.


My job is very irregular, I work shift work. Every week I don't know how many hours I have, when is my day off etc. I work in Customer Service and overall I like it but it's not at all challenging particularly since I am not looking to rise up. I yearn to be self employed. So I had a think..what do I really enjoy doing, what am I good at?


-I write songs, I think I am good at it as I studied Music. I am very passionate and it shows in my music. But my songs appeal to a minority, they're definitely different so not something I can make money from. (I will always do it though)


-I love dresses and clothes and I am good at styling other people. I was thinking of starting an online shop. After further research and consideration I realised that I would be a business woman if I was to do that, it's not creative and it has nothing to do with feelings.


-I have a genuine interest in human behaviour and feelings and an empathetic and analytical nature. I volunteer and help others when I can. I was told by friends, colleagues and family that I should explore this.


So I am !


In the last week I have cut down masssively on my job, doing 10-15 hrs a week so I can get unemployment benefits. I started a Social Psychology short course for 11 weeks, once a week. In late February I will also do a short 4 month course in Counselling Skills, introductory level. After that I can see if I like it and where I want to go with it. Because I am now on unemployment benefits I can very likely do the Counselling course for free, otherwise it was £500 !


I have also referred myself for therapy as I identified things that are holding me back.


I feel like I am taking care of my future and my feelings more.


I wanted to share because many here have supported me a lot

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Thank you all


Going on unemployment benefits is not ideal but it was not easy to change direction while doing my job because I work all kinds of hours and days yet not earn much and I wouldn't be able to afford the courses.


you sound wonderfully artistic and creative


I am very creative sadly, it's such a shame I can't make money from it, I am underutilizing my greatest skill...it's the case with of a lot of creative people.


Sometimes we stagnate and it is good to take a new direction in our life in a positive, productive way.


I did stagnate but I don't feel bad about it to be honest, I was truly unable to be productive, I had shut down from the sense of loss and grief I felt.


I have been in the counseling and mental health field, for several years now after a big career change.


What were you doing before if you don't mind me asking?


I am not yet sure I want to get into that field..I am interested in human behaviour but more the social aspect of it rather than the clinical. One thing I am drawn to for example is being a Customer Service trainer, going to companies and providing them with training. Really good Customer Service is totally interwoven with understanding people.


Other things I like is helping/mentoring immigrants when they come into the country. Maybe working in a Human Rights organisation. Maybe coaching. We'll see..

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Wow, what a different direction you took, glad you like it !


I am not sure yet, when I do the conselling course I might change my mind. That's why I thought I'll try 2 short courses first to see what I am drawn to most.


Did you do a 3 year course, was it hard to get a job in the field?

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Yes, I did a 3yr program, while working full time. Wasn't hard to find a job in the field..was hard finding a good paying job. I had acquired a certain lifestyle, in my previous career...but typically. You shouldn't go into this field to get rich. Cuz you won't. I took board licensing exams as well, which can offer more financial opportunities, and private practice should you want that..

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Yes, I did a 3yr program, while working full time


Well done for that !


I definitely don't wanna do this to be rich. But I doubt anything can pay less than what I'm earning, only cleaning and catering..lol


When I had my interview for the course the teacher said we'll be working in triads switching roles between being the counsellor and client and I felt dread in the thought of being the client. And THIS is also why I want to do this course and why I have referred myself for therapy, because I find it hard to own up to my feelings.

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  • 1 month later...

Little update:


I am struggling a lot financially but I have stuck to those changes and more.


I have joined a low cost gym and I eat healthily in order to lose weight

I have started counselling myself, only for 3 months because it is low cost but it's something.

I am also doing an NLP course online.


Tomorrow I have an interview for a voluntary position supporting young people that leave care. It does feel a bit out of my league but I hope I get a chance at it.

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