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How do I deal with this huge FLAKE?!


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I started a thread about this guy already. Don't know if this is in the right section, bit of a strange situation..


Anyway me and this guy have been friends for years. I have always had a soft spot for him and he has always liked me as well but circumstances just never allowed us to really be together (being in a relationship with others, age difference, living in different cities).


A few weeks ago we slept with eachother 'just as friends' to get rid of sexual tension (which did not work for me haha!).

Right after Christmas we texted a little, I wanted to be polite and just tell him about how my Christmas was and stuff.

So, at some point he invites me over to his house, I say no, but text him a day later to see if he's still interested in me coming by...So, he never responded to that. After NYE I get the lousiest Facebook message from him saying 'happy newyear'. Still no response whatsoever to my other texts..


Yesterday I got a little drunk and texted saying 'Love you (hisname) etc, etc'. Yes I know, VERY stupid!

However, I didn't mean 'I love you' like I want to marry him, but just as a really good friend. Since, no response. I know the text was a little idiotic, but I feel that he knows me well enough to kind of laugh about it and at least text me back.


I feel so dumb now.. I feel like I am playing myself again thinking this guy is my friend and cares about me, and would ever consider dating me.. But he is such a flaky guy and always has been..How do I cut ties with this person? Also I apologize if this is in the wrong section, but could not find a better place for it..

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It sounds like he was only interested in sex, and now that you've texted him (even though you were just being friendly), he thinks you're getting too attached and he's avoiding you. The "I love you" text doesn't work in your favour either.


I would just contact him one more time and say "Sorry about that "I love you" text. I was drunk, you know how it is! haha" and leave it at that. Don't contact him anymore. He was only interested in one thing and he's not worth your time.

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I agree with Natasha, message him laughing off the "I love you" text, then leave the ball in his court. But I don't necessarily think he was only interested in sex if you've really been friends for years. Quite possibly he would like to go back to the friendship without feeling there has to be any more to it (sexual or romantic).

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Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. He just sent me a message. Thank god he didn't bring up the 'I love you' thing..He is going to call me tomorrow (my birthday) so I guess that isn't bad.

At this point I feel like I don't even have the patience to date him or anything. So just friends will do just fine I guess!

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Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. He just sent me a message. Thank god he didn't bring up the 'I love you' thing..He is going to call me tomorrow (my birthday) so I guess that isn't bad.

At this point I feel like I don't even have the patience to date him or anything. So just friends will do just fine I guess!


It'll be a awkward, but if you really want to be friends with him I wouldn't suggest sleeping with him. As much as we all try to downplay sex sometimes to just innocent and harmless intimacy, it's much more than that. And usually like I tell people, eventually someone always catches feelings.

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