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After yesterday.....I officially have a crush! Thought I'd share (you know the mysteries of attraction).


So earlier this year, I presumably met a guy at a happy hour for a group I am in. I don't really recall meeting him. Which leads to meeting number 2.


A few weeks ago, I re-met this guy again. At a volunteer event. We were paired during our shift. I intro-ed myself, and he said "I remember meeting you at the other event, I moved now I live in your town." Then we ended up comparing notes on the local restaurants and such. We had a 3 hour shift together, and our duties were light, so we chatted for most of it. We chatted about the basics and anecdotes. He moved after breaking up with a long-term/live-in girlfriend. I thought, "he is kinda cute, but probably a bit quiet for me."


At the end of the event, we exchanged info, and said "we should hang out...." He mentioned he had a bunch of priorities in the coming weeks and he'd reach out when he was unbusy. We exchanged a few emails here and there, never solidified anything. (We aren't in the same social circle, and he is a few years younger than I.)


This week, I went to an event for this shared group and I ran into him. We exchanged greetings and hugs. Caught up for a bit, and he says "you are at the top of my list to hang out with." Anyway I was joked about my resolution for the year to work on that, because I say that quite often and follow through 20% of the time. We chatted a bit more about the holidays. Then we got sidetracked talking to other people.


After the event, I said my goodbyes, to everyone (him included) and realized we'd be sharing a bus ride. So we left together for the bus, chatted more during the ride. During our chat I found that his sense of humor was like mine. When the bus ride was over for me, we said goodbyes, exchanged hugs, and that wishy washy comment of "let's meet up." I only later caught on, once I was back home, I missed an opp to take him up on his offer for drinks. I was a little too tired to pick up on those signals.


The rest is on him.... [we confirmed, we'll both be in town for the holidays!]

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