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I used to go out with a guy who I had a huge crush on , we went out for a few weeks , then we just kind of drifted apart. I didn't call him and I didn't know where he was, i know now that he was probably in jail. But at that time I was going thru some problems of my own, some including trying to get over my ex who I dated for 2 yrs. A week or so after our untimely and unknown "breakup" I was in an accident , As I was in the hospital I found out I was pregnant , being 5 weeks it couldn't be my bf so it had to be my ex. I was distraught and confused i quit my job and retreated into my bedroom. Not knowing what to do I made peace with my ex and got back together since I figured he was the father. Long story short he was the father we stayed together until he was born and a few months after broke up. I then started going out with a guy who I used to hook up with every now n then for like 4 yrs. We have now been dating for 3 yrs and have 2 kids together , I love him to death. I have recently found a fb message asking to met up with another girl at 4 am. I've always trusted him now I just don't know. But I don't want to say anything because shortly after we started dating I found out that my ex bf, the one where were we untimely broke up is his cousin.... I have seen him a couple times, since me and my bf moved to his community. I feel all shy and can't bring myself to say anything to him. We seen each other and we both looked surprised to see each other but I had my bf and he had his gf but I could tell he wanted to say something. Since then I can't stop thinking about him, I've even had dreams about him. Thinking what could have been but I feel so guilty for even thinking it. I don't know , I just had to tell some complete strangers and get their take on my situation lol

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Two wrongs don't make a right Your bf is your baby daddy and you have some investment in that. The guy you were with a short time so long ago is past history. I would not be shocked if he really did not remember you. So, my take, forget the old guy whom you believed in jail. Get your attention to saving your bf/baby daddy relationship if you can. Find out what he's doing. When you were hooking up with baby daddy, did he have another gf?



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Yeah it's true it's easy to think of the what if's , it's kind of immature to think about him and what might have been when the truth is my life went a different way and I can't change that.

Yes my bf now did have a gf at the time we were hooking up, and I had a bf too . I know ppl say that once a cheater always a cheater but I believe that if ppl really love each other like really in love then they don't cheat. I thought I loved my ex (the one I was with for 2 yrs) but now that I look back at our relationship , I didn't , I had love for him but I wasn't in love with him. Otherwise I wouldn't of cheated him so many times. I was surprised to find that I started dating the guy I cheated on my ex with and he dated the girl he cheated on me with.

My love life is confusing but I wouldn't leave my bf just because I have these thoughts , I wouldn't take my kids away from their daddy , their my world n I wouldn't crash their world just because I'm confused .

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