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Why do they keep coming back?


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It's been close to two years since my BU. NC on my part for god knows how long and yet he still insists on sending random txts messages every now and then and they other day showed up to my work. We work in the same field, so it's inevitable that we come accross each other. I'm just curious as to why he still wants to contact me. Personally it doesn't bother me. When I saw him I had no feelings towards him. We had some small talk, he mainly did most of the talking. Very simple 'hi, how are you', I kept it short cuz really don't care to get into a conversation with him. I really don't see a point, but I was friendly and cordial. No need to be rude. Just curious as to why some people still want to be in your life.

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In the relationships where I was dumped, the dumper has always come back 6-7 months later to try for a second chance. After I turn them down they come back 2-3 years later wanting to be friends. Always. Without fail.


Well, that may not be the case with my recently ended relationship because she's too stubborn and prideful to admit any wrong doing, but it's what's always happened with me.


I'm currently friends with someone I dated 8 years ago. It was a very toxic relationship and there was a LOT of negativity. All these years later I don't even feel the anger I used to have toward her. Life is funny like that.

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some people like to stay in touch with people they once cared for and have fond memories of.

if i was in the workplace of one of my ex's and didn't seek him out to say hi, i would feel like i was being rude. i mean we had a relationship. thats a big thing, yeah it didn't work long term but thats normal.

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Thanks for your replies. I can see your point as to wanting to stay in contact with someone, but he really isn't the nicest of guys. He cheated on me and pretty much took off and left, leaving me with a bunch of bills that I needed to pay (we lived together and he literally was here one day, gone the next). I know BUs are a part of life and I am friends with my previous exs, actually very good friends. But this one is different. Like one of my friends said 'There are some exs who you want as friends and others who you don't ever want to see again' this ones the latter. I just don't understand why he wont get the message.

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