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NC day 1: Feeling like I've escaped from the jail :)

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3 days ago he broke up with me. I don't count the previous days as NC, because when he broke up, I was so shocked and paralyzed that I was lying in my bed for the 3 days from the early morning till the late night reading this forum threads, crying and contacting him about my stuff. I didn't begged to get back with him at all, I just begged for my stuff, because he rejected my feelings when I wanted to tell him I love him. So finally he came yesterday night and returned my stuff. He didn't look to my eyes and tried to return everything as soon as possible. I was very friendly - thanked him for my stuff and wished good luck. He didn't say any goodbye just drove out of my street as fast as possible. So I returned home and still felt like zombie - emotionless, like he drained everything and finally just late at night I took him out of my fb contacts, removed our mutual friends also and started crying heavily.


Today is NC day 1. I've noticed that success came to my university (I get the best marks, everyone is happy about my results) and in 2 days I got 3 invitations to job interview. So I dressed as best as I can and went there. I've been pretty busy today so I wasn't thinking a lot about him. I opened my profile on the dating websites again and the only time I got the fb message from someone, I felt frozen, thinking "Omg, you haven't tried to contact me, have you?!" For my luck, it wasn't him. I don't know why I felt easier at that time, but I think it's just because he wasn't happy about me at all and he was always angry on me for anything I do or say. So now I'm just selling my clothes which I bought to look nice being next to him and ordering the new clothes from the internet. I've deleted all his videos from my mobile phone without looking them and downloading new songs playlist for my player and mobile phone ringtones which wouldn't remember me him. I don't know if he ever contact me, but he'd better not. I feel like I've escaped from jail.

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Sounds good! I recommend removing as many forms/ways of contact as possible. It's easier to deal with all the BS of changing your phone number than realizing every hour that he hasnt called. Also, if you block him on fb you'll never have to worry about getting a message from him

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