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LTR, been 4 months since BU and he has someone new :(


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Totally Redkite "You can probably relate. My biggest issue at the moment is: how can someone leave your life and never look back, like you meant nothing?" That runs through my head every minute. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, I never would have left him when he was at his lowest in life like he did me. And if I broke up with him I would have never done it the way he did it with me... Speaks volumes on the kind of person he is I suppose.


Anyway I am doing better this afternoon. I started my positive affirmations and self help web classes again today to better myself for ME. I also looked up more into rebound relationships and how he picked someone completely opposite of me, the fact that he has yet to resolve/apologize for his faults in the relationship ( he always avoids conflict and almost NEVER apologizes), how fast they are moving, etc..... is only hurting him in the long run and if she wants to involve herself then that is her problem. I can't go into more details because I think "SHE" found my posts here.. I guess now I can get PM's hehe if you want to chat


I want to thank you all for your support, I wish you all the best, that your hearts heal quickly and what ever is the best for you... happens XxXx

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