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I really need to know why this is happening

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Ok, 5 years ago I went away to be a counselor in a sleep away camp. I met a guy there and somehow we fell in love ( this is the very condensed version). We were going to get married, but the problem was that he lived in Holland, I lived in New York, He was white, I was black, He was 27 and I was 18. I also had a boyfriend. Well eventually we drifted away from each other because we knew the long distance thing wouldn't work. Every year since then we've been in contact with eachother. I ended up having a child with the guy I was dating then, and moving in with him. Coincidentally, my daoughter was born on this guys birthday. He came to see me from holland after this happened and over the next year we started making plans to get married again. He bought me a ring and everything, but I wanted to try to work things out with my daughter's father. I would never let him officially give me the ring, and we ended up losing touch again.


I ended up moving and breaking up with my daughter's dad. What do you think happenes??? Amazingly this guy emails me from the blue and tells me he moved to a part of NY that is 15 min away from my new apartment!!!

1 more coincedence to add to those two is that I ended up having to hire a babysitter for my daughter, and the two girls that I wanted both knew him!! 1 of the girls worked at the place he currently worked in NY and the other one worked in the camp after I left... The one that worked in the camp had my ring on when she came to my house to interview with me. He gave it to her because he told her the whole story about me and he said that it would never work out. She liked the ring so he gave it her. She had no idea who I was when she came to my house. This happened over a year ago and i just found out last night. He told me that the ring was trying to make it's way back to me. Are these signs that I should be with this guy?? We are so different.. and I haven't really given him a chance, but he puts so much effort into me. I'm trying so hard with this other guy who has a commitment problem, and here I am with prince charming knocking on my door every couple of months for the last 5 years. What should I do.. I think that no one would accept of because of race. There's way more to this story, but too much to tell.

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I would love someone who puts their effort into me, it's just that there seem to be way too many barriers with this. The race thing is a huge one ( don't mean to sound so old fashion). There are way too many coincedences.. there were even more that I didn't say. Well about a week ago i posted a problem with my current boyfriend of 2 years who I love like I love myself, but he has a fear of commitment..( or just doesn't like lables).. boy this whole situation is just freaking me out, really. Don't want to make the wrong turns.

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