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When is too soon to move on/see someone else?

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For the full story on my situation please see my previous posts, Heartbreak and how to get her back, Is it really worth taking her back? My ex is currently "kinda" seeing someone else right now and I was wondering if it was okay for me to do so too. We have been taking a break for about a week and a half right now, and I am showing signs of liking somebody else. I really don't want to get involved with somebody else right now because if my ex wants to get back together at any point, I don't want to hurt the new person I would be with. I don't think it's a bad idea to at least see if there is anything there, and begin to see this person because I have to be able to move on from my ex, but I don't know if right now is the best time. Any advice people can offer would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much.

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I don't think it is a question of timing as much as it is about motives. Seeing someone else just to pass the time, until your ex asks you to come back is not fair towards other people, you will only be using them.


I suggest first ensure you are probably not getting back with your ex, and work through the emotional stuff, and then, when you are ready to see other people because you would like to give them a fair chance at friendship or love in your life, without making them hang on a string, should you ex call, then you are ready to move on and see other people.


Don't just see somoene new because she is doing it, or to possibly make her a bit jealous. It is not fair.


It is never too soon or too late, the reason for it must just be right.

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Accept that you are not getting back with your ex and throw yourself fully into your new relationship. Make this new girl your priority. Do not contrive to take your new girl where your ex will see you. Dont even tell your ex about her. Your ex is just a person whose worth is fixed in your brain because she hurt your pride by dumping you. This girl may be fifty times better.

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My ex is currently "kinda" seeing someone else right now and I was wondering if it was okay for me to do so too.


Of course it is. Are you married? No. But remember, this is not a competition of who can get x number of dates.


I really don't want to get involved with somebody else right now because if my ex wants to get back together at any point, I don't want to hurt the new person I would be with.


You're not ready to get out there yet. Take some time to heal up from your ex. The healing process varies from person to person. If you feel you can't show your best side to a potential, then don't step out on the playing field.


I really don't want to get involved with somebody else right now because if my ex wants to get back together at any point, I don't want to hurt the new person I would be with.


You can't live in the past buddy. What's done is done. Maybe you haven't hit the reality that you're now single. You can not live your life waiting for someone. You really need to put a higher value on yourself. In fact, nobody should wait for their ex to come back. If you continue to think like this, you're going to blame your ex on all your dating failures.

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