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need a special and romantic place to have our first time.


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hey everyone me and my girl almost had sex but we didnt because she stopped us. and frankly im happy she did because she was right it wasnt special anough for our first time. and also i would have had like no time to hold her afterwards.


so basicaly i need a place where we can go to have it be romantic and special and possibly spend the night (we can do this by having friends cover for us) are there any ideas? and dont say hotel because its just not romantic or special enough. well maybe if i could get enough cash toget a honeymon suite. help here please!!!

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Ehm X box.. this place isnt about saying such things, we only help...


So please KEEP little "thoughts" for yourself!


Well Quzit, I haven't really got any idea, bt also remember the first time should be something u both put effort into, meaning u perhaps could ask her what she would like and stuff.... I really don't know that was just my thought hhe

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Ehm X box.. this place isnt about saying such things, we only help...


So please KEEP little "thoughts" for yourself!


Well Quzit, I haven't really got any idea, bt also remember the first time should be something u both put effort into, meaning u perhaps could ask her what she would like and stuff.... I really don't know that was just my thought hhe



Yea oops... But i couldnt really think of anywhere and that piece of advice is good





Try buying some cheap nice smellin candles light em and try massaging each other... I saw it in Van Wilder....Just dont fall outta the window




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actually we already were going to have a masage night but thats not about sex were just going to make eachother feel good. and well maybe in my house might work so long as we make the atmosphere right. i really want this to be special for both of us not something that can be laughed about later like "oh yea had my first time in a car" but something we can both look back on and feel good about it

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actually we already were going to have a masage night but thats not about sex were just going to make eachother feel good. and well maybe in my house might work so long as we make the atmosphere right. i really want this to be special for both of us not something that can be laughed about later like "oh yea had my first time in a car" but something we can both look back on and feel good about it



Go slowly theres no need to rush



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I think it would be more special if you didn't plan out where you were to have it.

I know you want to know of a really nice place to do it at, but I think either of your bedrooms while you're both all alone in the house is perfect for a first time.

Privacy, comfort, do it all up with the lighting and all of that-- and whichever one of your rooms you do it in, you can be all "ooh yeah.. we did it riiight here in my bed" or something like that,

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Now, I'm going to say this because I want to encourage you to avoid doing something now that you'll regret very much later on in life....




Sex before marriage is a sin and you should never do something while being fully aware that what you're doing is a sin.


God must come first in your life. If you put God aside, then you are putting the only thing in real control of your life aside. God is the key to all your happiness.


Life is a test... a test that lasts for the time of our lives. Time is something we humans call a little sliver of forever. The only puropse in life is to determine our fate of an eternity of heaven or an eternity of hell. There is nothing you can do in life that makes it worth going to hell forever for. thereforeeee, why not sacrifice for this little sliver of forever to earn an eternity of absolute paradice?


No matter what God loves you. Please, find Him and talk with him. Make God your top priority in life.



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I wasn't going to say anything, but since the original poster disagrees too...


Gogol, please keep your religious beliefs to yourself. This is not the first time you mentioned god this god that god should be the first in your life. It's really bothering me, and hopefully some other people too. Don't turn threads into religious debates.


... god may be the first in your life, that's fine, keep it to yourself and don't let other people find out. God is definitely the last in many other people's life, and the 3rd, 4th, 10th, etc in other people's life. Many of us aren't religious, most of us don't even believe in the same "god" as the one you believe in.

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I'll give some advice to the original person,

try going on a picnic or camping to a secluded spot that you know you won't get interrupted. You want to find a secure spot behind a locked door, no interruptions, lots of time, relaxed,

Possible things to add are food, candles/aromas, music...


About the other stuff, I find this thread funny...

I understand you object to the tone of the post...


But to be clear,

near 90% of the world believes in a "god" or "higher power"...

Billions of people believe religion helps them to live better lives,

and billions of people have followed the "advice" of their gods

and they just want to share what helps them live better lives.

So what if his advice comes from his "god", your advice isn't any more

objective than his. It is all opinion until we die isn't it...


From the CIA factbook:



Christians 32.71% (of which Roman Catholics 17.28%, Protestants 5.61%, Orthodox 3.49%, Anglicans 1.31%), Muslims 19.67%, Hindus 13.28%, Buddhists 5.84%, Sikhs 0.38%, Jews 0.23%, other religions 13.05%, non-religious 12.43%, atheists 2.41% (2002 est.)


So who is the minority opinion now?

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Quazit simply asked for some good ideas to take his girl for their first sexual experience. Let's try to answer his question, I don't think we ever got around to it.


Maybe some of us disagree with sex outside of marriage and some of us don't but remember all of us have different opinions.


Maybe sex in the UK is illegal if you are 15, but Quazit didn't ask that, he simply wants to know where to take his girl.


Let's try to answer his question and quit flaming at one another's beliefs.




I know how special this girl is to you, and I know how magicial you want this night to be. Talk to her and put the same amount of effort in and enjoy. It'll be the best, knowing how much love you two share. You deserve this.



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