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Looking to improve physical health...


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So, after some mixed emotions about certain events in my life over the last few months, I've kinda been reevaluating a lot of little things about myself, my life, etc., trying to find some new little goals and motivations to help me get by in the mean time, as well as trying to improve myself as a person and just my quality of living as a whole.


Today, I've been pondering on my physical health. I'm not particularly overweight (but I could stand to slim down a little), though I am fairly out of shape, and my eating habits have been pretty bad for as long as I can remember. I'm not looking to "get ripped" or anything like that; it'd be nice to lose some of the fat in my stomach and especially chest area, but I'm not really THAT hung up on that. I'd rather not go to a gym because I'm very self-conscious and don't want to work out around/ with other people. Are there any basic exercises I can do that would keep me in okay shape?


Anyway, I'm much more focused on adjusting my eating habits. Let me give an idea of what/ how I eat... I basically only eat one proper "meal" a day in the late afternoon. I rarely eat breakfast (sometimes toast and eggs, or a bagel, sometimes waffles), and everything else I eat in between is mostly just snack type stuff, sometimes chips, pretzels, bread, etc. "Dinner" for me is usually some kind of pasta-related meal, or something "TV dinner"-ish, occasionally stuff like pork chops, chicken, etc. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I typically "treat" myself and go out for burgers or pizza, or something like that.


So, I know pretty much everything I eat is "bad", and the way I eat (in terms of meals) doesn't do me any favors either. But honestly, I don't really know what's good to eat, what's not good to eat, etc. I'd have to make some pretty huge drastic changes, which seems pretty overwhelming, because again, I know nothing about eating (relatively) healthy. Not to mention, between working and going to college, it's not easy to find a lot of time to thoroughly prepare meals for myself every day.


I dunno, I mean... Can anyone kinda help me get on the right track, here? Or give me any kind of good guidance? I mean, I'll be honest, I'm not going to completely go 100% healthy food (meaning, if/ when I go out to eat with friends, or something, I'll probably allow myself to indulge, but it'd still be in moderation), but right about now, I'm probably way below "normal" in terms of food and eating habits, and I'd like to at least get to "normal".

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I rarely eat breakfast (sometimes toast and eggs, or a bagel, sometimes waffles), and everything else I eat in between is mostly just snack type stuff, sometimes chips, pretzels, bread, etc. "Dinner" for me is usually some kind of pasta-related meal, or something "TV dinner"-ish, occasionally stuff like pork chops, chicken, etc. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I typically "treat" myself and go out for burgers or pizza, or something like that.


That'a a lot of carbs, especially if you want to lose weight without being physically active. How is it treating yourself on a weekend if you're eating junk all week anyways?


If you want to lose weight without the gym, eat more meat, more fat, and way less carbs.


But remember, you'll be skinny and out of shape, instead of a bit overweight and out of shape.

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I've been trying to make some changes as well and some posters here gave me great advice. Like you, I don't know much about nutrition and eventhough I don't have burgers and pizza too often, I eat too much pasta often without even a sause !


I was told to have more protein and I have noticed I am not as hungry as before. I found it overwhelming too, eat this, not that, not after 7, more in the morning..I was like wow, I've got other things to do. But if you REALLY want to make a difference you have to change a couple of things.


I am now having a big breakfast right before I start work and then lunch (my portion is still big I confess but it's much healthier) and not much at all for dinner (after 8:00), maybe yoghurt or some nuts.


-Add a tin of beans to things; cook rice and beans and take it with you.

-Eat nuts; they have protein and keep you full.

-Have a fruit or 2 with you. I hated apples but I started liking them.


For me it all goes wrong when I have a few drinks. I might have chips on the night and I seem to need more fatty foods the next day.

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1.) Write down everything you eat.

2.) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

3.) Always eat breakfast and include a protein

4.) Eat out rarely, avoid fried foods

5.) Choose your "cheat" foods and enjoy it when you've it. (personally I can't live without the occasional pie ala mode)

6.) Watch out for alcohol

7.) Avoid eating within 3 hours of bedtime

8.) Drink water (not juice, not soda pop, not beer) and lots of it.

9.) Watch your carb intake (as that other poster said)

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- Ditto the call to eat breakfast. Something healthier than waffles. Porridge will keep you going for hours (and oats are cheap)

- If you don't want to go to the gym, how about starting by going for walks? Perhaps leading to running/cycling? I really like walking and listening to podcasts. Could you walk or cycle to college/work?

- Eat more vegetables and fruit. Incorporate and increase quantities gradually rather than making a sudden drastic change.

- Switch to wholegrain bread if you are eating white bread.

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As life is running,I was totally gone busy with my work,because of which I started getting some health and brain problem.But then my family doctor have suggested me some capsules just to reduce my diet and keep me healthy,believe me after 1 month I found my self to be very active in my work also loosed some weight.My doctor suggested me to have maize product, fruits juice,and to do daily exercise .

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