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They just looove to mess with our heads don't they? I Broke-up almost 2 months ago and had no contact with my ex at all I was doing well. I started going out recently and meeting new people. I am now talking with a few on phone lately. Now Bang! Last night out of the blue my ex-called me to see how I was doing. He used his roomate as an excuse to call me. His roomate is interested in meeting my girlfriend. Mind you his roomate did call my girlfriend twice before. He lied by saying he didn't save her number. That was the reason for the call. Well, my ex broke-up with me cause he's going back to his country in two months. thereforeeee he had to end it. He expressed that he wanted to remain friends. I have never ever being able to do such a thing with an ex before. Can this actually be achieved? I really do not think so. I have to be honest I still have some feelings for him. I am trying to get over the break-up still. This is why I have ignored him and not have taken his calls before. Why do they do this? Can they just leave it alone if they break-up with you? I would not dare to call if i was doing the breaking up!

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I can totally relate! Check out my post from a week ago link removed


It has messed up with my head this last 7 days. I've contemplated re-establishing contact, but now I am thinking clearly again and I need to continue with the no contact. 2 months isn't a very long time for you to heal. It was 3 months since my ex broke up with me, and although I've made a lot of progress, I'm still not ready for the whole 'friends' thing.


It really is true though - it is quite common for an ex to re-emerge just when we are starting to feel better!


Try to put the whole incident out of your mind and continue moving forward.


Good luck,



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Well phone calls are actually fairly easy to deal with, all you have to do is keep up the conversation. Ex's are going to call out of the blue, why does that concern you? Once the convo has ended then it ended no more thought is required. You can ignore a person but typically you will come into contact with them somehow, all you have to do is stay focused and realize that you dont want to be friends with this person and you can handle it however you want.

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Take my advice - if you still have feelings for the ex, and you're still getting over it, being friends will be almost impossible. And probably severely set back your healing process, because he is leaving.


Sounds like you are busy with new friends, anyway. I would let this one alone if I were you. It will cause you too much stress, and very likely more pain.

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