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Ex Text Me


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Ex gf who dumped me after 4 years wanted to meet to clear the air 3 weeks ago. I agreed and said let me know when's good.


She never replied so I never chased it. I let it go. But there is a car and flat to sort out.


She just text me saying:


"Hey, Soz I've not gt in contact. I'm free this wk & was thinking it would be good if we could have a chat just about your plans with the flat and getting car back x"


How do I respond. I'm a bit drunk now so will reply tomorrow.

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This seems spot on as usual , she's already had your goodbye letter.... you're dating again... from another thread... just get it all done and out of the way and carry on with your life. good luck

Give her a time and date, sort out the car and flat and any other housekeeping issues, do not talk about the relationship at all or allow her to, and then go no contact.
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