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Pupil Dilation


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LOL Everyone looks good in the dark. Can't argue with THAT!!


I'm wondering. How can you tell if someone's pupils are dilating without staring into their eyes for a long time? Or do you HAVE to squint and stare? How do you know if their pupils aren't dilating BECAUSE they were staring at someone else just before you walked in?

HMMMMMMM! I see some flaws to this theory!


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I've heard about the pupil dilation thing, it's something to do with the chemicals related to sexual attraction and love.

Also, after orgasm pupils dilate greatly (a huge rush of the sexual hormones or something).


Also, studies show that people who are deeply in love make much more eye contact while they're in conversation with each other - approximately 75% of the time compared with the average of around 40% for people who are not in love.

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Interesting question. Yes it is true that the pupils dilate when someone attractive is in sight. I did a speech last week for my speech class on the science of sexual and physical attraction. It was something that I already knew a good bit about but wanted to expand my knowledge on. Interesting little fact: Women used to put something called Bella Donna in their eyes to make their pupils dilate. This is because men find dilated pupils more attractive. There was a study that was done not too long ago where pictures of different women were presented to men and they were asked to pick out the ones they thought were attractive. One of the characteristics that the more attractive women shared were dilated pupils. It is thought that the pupils dilate as a means of getting a better view of the person. As if they're trying to take the whole image of the person in at once.

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So if I tried to figure out if someone has dilated pupils then my attraction to him is just proof that their pupils are dilated because I'm attracted?

So i don't have to stare or squint into their eyes because my instincts or hormones take over anyway?

So I guess that seems to answer some of my questions.

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It is true.

One time, I knew this girl and I thought she had weird eyes, because her eyes were big and black whenever we talked, and I didn't really see her any other time. I was saying to my friend about this, and he didn't see the same eyes as I did, if you know what I mean. However a fair bit later, I came accross some information saying about this dilating thing, and I worked out that is exactly what it was! I couldn't of been making it up, because I wasn't looking for it before, I just noticied it. Then a bit later, I actually went out with this girl, so it proves its right.

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