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I am utterly depressed about my boyfriend


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I met my boyfriend about 5 months ago and we hit it off immediately. Since then, it's been nothing but a wonderful time. I had the most perfect summer ever with him going camping, going to the beach, having late nights where we'd stay up talking all night and lots of sleepovers, it's been the best. However, he went to college a few days ago and I'm quickly deteriorating. I knew what I was getting into from the beginning, him moving and all, and told myself I wouldn't get too attached, but he was reassuring that he wanted to continue this when he went to school, and when we'd go to the campus together we'd talk about how I'd be coming there next year with him.


In the final week before he left he expressed about how excited he was to start college. I've been nothing but supportive, but the last day I saw him I asked him if he'd have me down to visit and he said he would but he'd be busy with all the school stuff, homework, working and partying. He told me right before he left that it'd probably be 2 weeks before he could invite me down so he could get adjusted, I feel like it'll end up being longer. He left 4 days ago and I haven't heard from him since then (we don't text all that much) and I've been crying since then, I've thought of every worst case scenario in my head and I feel like everything is weighing against us from this working out. He has a job, plus homework, plus partying, plus school, plus friends. Where am I going to fit in? I feel like he's going to meet tons of other girls and decide to break it off with me. He isn't the best looking guy ever but he has lots of confidence.


I'm now convinced I love him but I haven't actually told him that, and he's my first boyfriend and actual first, I was a virgin before. I love everything about his personality and wouldn't change a thing. His sense of humour's amazing, he's incredibly honest, he was always sweet to me and he's smart. I feel like if it doesn't work out I will never like anyone as much ever, and I'll always be comparing them to him.


I don't know what to do. I want to open up to him and tell him my concerns but at the same time don't want to sound that desperate, even though I am. What if he becomes distant while away and forgets about me? I've never sounded this clingy in my life, but I can't help it. Please help me decide what to do. I care about him so much.

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Awww Babe. It's a summer romance. He's going off to college the land of partying and girls. I'm sure he cared for you, but this is a new and exciting adventure. I know that's hard to hear but that's giving it to you straight. I don't want to be the one to break your heart, but not hearing from him even through text for 4 days is kind of a big sign to you. Trust me you will find someone else and they will be way better. Treasure the memories but don't put all your eggs in this basket. Go out with your friends, have fun. Don't wait around for him to call. You will understand this all in a year. You'll be okay.

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Awww Babe. It's a summer romance. He's going off to college the land of partying and girls. I'm sure he cared for you, but this is a new and exciting adventure. I know that's hard to hear but that's giving it to you straight. I don't want to be the one to break your heart, but not hearing from him even through text for 4 days is kind of a big sign to you. Trust me you will find someone else and they will be way better. Treasure the memories but don't put all your eggs in this basket. Go out with your friends, have fun. Don't wait around for him to call. You will understand this all in a year. You'll be okay.


I second this. I don't think he meant for it to last beyond the summer. College is a whole new world for people, and he's going to be experiencing a lot of new things and doing a whole lot of growing and changing. You need to grieve this one and let him go.

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