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Feel cheated, Father sick again


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So my dad had cancer,then the cancer was removed, then he needed a transplant, then he got the transplant, and everything was all wonderful for 4 months. Now my dad is sick again, he needs another treatment, and he might even need now a different transplant (hopefully not).


When things were going good for those months, I still never fully allowed myself to feel entirely relieved. I always knew that things could go bad, just because I feel like my life tends to turn that way, so I try to stay prepared now. I recently lost my job a couple months ago, all my friends, and was cheated on and had my heart destroyed by not only 1, but 3 different guys within the past 2 years. It has just been horrific, and now my dad is sick yet again, and completely depressed.


There is nothing more depressing than seeing a parent depressed, and knowing there is nothing you can really do. He's going to have to do a treatment soon, and we don't know how it will go, but all we can do is hope for the best. My mom has always been one of those stay at home mom's, and so thats terrifying in itself, because i'm jobless (still seeking), and she hasn't had a job in over a decade.


It's just all really difficult, and if I had the money to see a counselor I definitely would, but I don't at all, and it's just a very depressing, stressful time. I guess I just wanted to say all of this because for months I've compartmentalized the entire situation, there is no one to talk to, and we're just surviving day to day.


I just am overwhelmed.

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So sorry your family is going through this- cancer really sucks. Just be there for your dad as much as you can, and try to let him know how much you love him.


As far as your mom, there are lots of programs to support women returning to the workplace. She can check at tour local community college or at an occupational/career counseling place.


As far as your work, you might try the same counseling because what you are trying right now in your job hunt is not working.

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