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EX sent the most disrespectful text ever! But I'm cool.

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Well i posted earlier about how me and my ex's new lover had a conversation on twitter. Well before the twitter chat, i called my ex and left a nice, respectful voicemail. About an hour ago she sent me a text message saying, " Leave me alone, stay off my twitter, dont ever again in your life contact me and definitely don't DM someone that I'm am with. I'm none your business. Leave me alone."


Stupid. But that ALL the closure I ever needed. She clearly left me two months ago to be with this guy. I'm done forreal this time. No more hurting over this chick. She's a young, manipulative **** and karma will get her. She never had respect for me. I'm going to give her what she wants. She'll regret it someday.

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Well i posted earlier about how me and my ex's new lover had a conversation on twitter. Well before the twitter chat, i called my ex and left a nice, respectful voicemail. About an hour ago she sent me a text message saying, " Leave me alone, stay off my twitter, dont ever again in your life contact me and definitely don't DM someone that I'm am with. I'm none your business. Leave me alone."


Stupid. But that ALL the closure I ever needed. She clearly left me two months ago to be with this guy. I'm done forreal this time. No more hurting over this chick. She's a young, manipulative **** and karma will get her. She never had respect for me. I'm going to give her what she wants. She'll regret it someday.

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I had checked her twitter a coupe of weeks ago and saw him all over it. it's been drivin me crazy so i needed to find out was she talkin to him before we broke up. Dumb, but i knew it would help me move on and i replied to her text in a smooth way.

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I had checked her twitter a coupe of weeks ago and saw him all over it. it's been drivin me crazy so i needed to find out was she talkin to him before we broke up. Dumb, but i knew it would help me move on and i replied to her text in a smooth way.

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Do you feel like you got the answers you were looking for? I normally wouldn't advise someone to contact their ex's new lover but if you feel better after all this, then cool. I wouldn't like it if an ex contacted my new bf to ask questions, I might write something along the lines of the text your ex sent you! but hey - now you know and you can move on.

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Do you feel like you got the answers you were looking for? I normally wouldn't advise someone to contact their ex's new lover but if you feel better after all this, then cool. I wouldn't like it if an ex contacted my new bf to ask questions, I might write something along the lines of the text your ex sent you! but hey - now you know and you can move on.

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Well, part of the reason why i wouldn't recommend going to him for answers is that he has no reason to tell you the truth. you're no one to him, so of course he'll tell you that he didn't get with her until after you guys broke up. I don't know if he is telling the truth or lying (obviously, I wasn't there and i don't know them!!!)


let's assume he is telling the truth - she didn't get with him until after you two broke up. So either way, you guys are broken up, it sucks but it's time to move on.

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Aw... I feel like the girl who comes by and kicks you while you are down. But did you really think this complete stranger would have your back? His allegiance is to her - not some guy he doesn't know.


Live and learn. I know it's really hard when you don't have closure... but closure is not to be had from an ex or from their new lover. You won't get what you need from them - so you have to get it within yourself. Trust in yourself.


Now that it's all done - it's time to stop focusing on the past and time to start focusing on YOU. Do some nice things for yourself to cheer yourself up. Go out. Don't dwell on the negative. Treat yourself well. These are the things that will help you and in time, the hurt will fade. You just have to trudge through it... but you are past the worst of it now. It gets better from here...

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