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How to become a better reader?


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Was wondering if anyone had any tips on how I could perhaps become a better reader? I read alot of books, and I'm generally unhappy with the amount of information I retain from reading. I average around a book a week.


Perhaps I'm reading too quickly? Or maybe I just have a bad memory? Is there anything I can do?



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Read in a place you are not distracted --

Read subject matter you are truly interested in ---


If you find yourself reading and not retaining -- you may be going thru the motions, but your brain is "somewhere" else!


And if you truly have just read a paragraph, and don't know what it said -- put the book down and do something else!


If this is re: school stuff --- try reading out loud. It allows stuff to go in 2 ways -- auditory and visual.

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Sometimes when I read, I'll realize unless it completely captivates me, I can pass through 20+ pages hardly remembering what I just read. With those types, I won't "speed read"(which I tend to do). I'll slow it down tremendously and stop every so often to ask myself questions about what I just read, not just the content but I'll form my own "hows, whys, whens" etc.


How much of the book do you tend to read in one sitting?

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Thanks mhowe!


This is more reading purely for pleasure. The books I read are purely those I'm interested in and about subjects I am passionate about. It's exactly how you describe, like I'm going through the motions and not really absorbing the information.


Do you think you develop better reading over time? This past 6 months or so is the first time I've really been reading books for pleasure since early high school. Prior to that I only read ever read news articles and journals for university.

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Sometimes when I read, I'll realize unless it completely captivates me, I can pass through 20+ pages hardly remembering what I just read. With those types, I won't "speed read"(which I tend to do). I'll slow it down tremendously and stop every so often to ask myself questions about what I just read, not just the content but I'll form my own "hows, whys, whens" etc.


How much of the book do you tend to read in one sitting?


Hey Cheetarah.


I read about 50 pages in one sitting.


Maybe I need to go slower, and really chew over the information before moving on.

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Then you are just distracted. With life -- or other stuff rumbling around in your head.


If you want to "train" yourself -- set aside some time before bed, or when you first get home from work. Read.


You become a better reader over time. I read a ton --5/6 books a week. I cannot stand tv.


But -- I cannot read on a loud beach. I cannot read if I am overtired.

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Are you a tosser and turner or nighttime worrier? I am. For that reason, reading in bed doesn't relax me or lend me the focus. I associate it with being uncomfortable, thinking about stuff too much, etc. So I read in a recliner in another room. It's a little ritual thing, I light a candle, have a cup of tea, etc. I don't sit there unless I am prepared to relax! I don't want to tarnish my "good spot".

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Read things that you are really fascinated about.

2. Be a critical reader : Always question. Sometimes, I write my own little notes on pages so I can read up on them more, question it, look it up etc.

3. Find a comfortable spot. I love reading on the trains or on the plane. May not be as comfortable as some may think...but this is MY comfortable spot. I somehow can't read before bed in bed...I tend to fall asleep.

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I read a LOT - sometimes get through three books in a week. If you're not retaining the info, then I'd put it down to lack of concentration, distraction, too much other stuff going on in your head, medication can also make you lose focus/concentration, etc etc.


I think out of your suggestions, it is likely to be a combination of the fact that I have alot going on in my head and I'm on medication.


Are you a tosser and turner or nighttime worrier? I am. For that reason, reading in bed doesn't relax me or lend me the focus. I associate it with being uncomfortable, thinking about stuff too much, etc. So I read in a recliner in another room. It's a little ritual thing, I light a candle, have a cup of tea, etc. I don't sit there unless I am prepared to relax! I don't want to tarnish my "good spot".


Um, not so much a worrier but I tend to get racing thoughts later on at night, which is why I have sleeping problems. My mind doesn't switch off easily and I tend to feel very "inspired" at night.


I like the idea of the little ritual thing. I have a reclining chair in the lounge room. Might give it a try!


1. Read things that you are really fascinated about.

2. Be a critical reader : Always question. Sometimes, I write my own little notes on pages so I can read up on them more, question it, look it up etc.

3. Find a comfortable spot. I love reading on the trains or on the plane. May not be as comfortable as some may think...but this is MY comfortable spot. I somehow can't read before bed in bed...I tend to fall asleep.


That's a good point actually - critically reading. Probably don't do enough of that. I think what I probably need to do is change my amount of reading (which admittedly isn't as high as other people's) but do higher quality reading. My main purpose for reading is to gain knowledge. I don't really like reading fiction, especially if it isn't based around real events. I can't do fantasy novels or anything like that. Seems a waste of time to me, and I don't have much of an imagination anyway.

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  • 5 months later...


Was wondering if anyone had any tips on how I could perhaps become a better reader? I read alot of books, and I'm generally unhappy with the amount of information I retain from reading. I average around a book a week.


Perhaps I'm reading too quickly? Or maybe I just have a bad memory? Is there anything I can do?




- some statements just make me laugh.

If you read one book per week then you know how to read. There is no better in this area. Might be faster but that is not the point.

Consider this: is the information received via reading useful to you? ( cause there are books that don't say anything - and this might be the cause of your problem ).

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