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Building up a tolerance to alcohol?


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So, I find myself in a position where I can (and want to) be more socially active, and with my group of friends, I think being able to drink "socially" is something I'd have to get used to. I don't mean, like, get wasted or blackout drunk, or whatever. But see, that's the thing, despite being 23, almost 24, I've rarely ever drank. I think I've had a few small glasses of wine, and, like, 1/4th of a beer once. Not to mention, from what I've heard, those of us guys on the shorter/ smaller side tend to get hit by the effects of alcohol quicker.


I'm curious, then, what's the best/ quickest way to build up a tolerance to alcohol? Truth be told, I'm deathly afraid of getting "drunk", if only because I don't like the idea of not having full control over myself. But I'd like to be able to go out for drinks with friends, or maybe even a girl, and be able to drink and enjoy myself without getting drunk, yanno?

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Well, I just mean, I'd like to be able to have one drink (*maybe* two) and not get drunk, yanno? I'm not really interested in getting crazy with it (and only a handful of the people I know do that, but again, that's not my thing), but I'd like to have a little bit of fun.

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Well, I just mean, I'd like to be able to have one drink (*maybe* two) and not get drunk, yanno? I'm not really interested in getting crazy with it (and only a handful of the people I know do that, but again, that's not my thing), but I'd like to have a little bit of fun.


I don't understand why the quantity you drink relates in any way to having fun. If you can't drink more than five beers without getting drunk..don't drink six beers! It's that simple.


If your buddy says, "Hey lets do a power hour!" then tell him no thanks. I wish I could get drunk off only a few drinks....drinking in NYC is expensive.

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Uhhhh if you want to build up tolerance just drink a few beers a night. Your body will respond and build up a tolerance at the price of stressing out your liver. You could also learn to drink in moderation at parties, doesn't mean you're not fun it just means you aren't susceptible to peer pressure. Don't equate being able to drink more with having more fun, you might be seen as more manly if you can hold your liquor though and vice versa. Last tip if you find yourself downing alcohol past your limit, try excusing yourself and throwing it up before it hits you.

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Some people's bodies have a low tolerance for alcohol. Just tell people that and nurse one drink along or simply have soda instead. If you drink one drink then eat something with lots of protein, which takes a while to digest and hit your bloodstream and it will help to slow down the effects if alcohol.


Trying to build up a tolerance for alcohol if your body is sensitive may end up being a problem in the long run.

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I find that if I have a well balanced meal about an hour before I have a drink I can drink a bit more. I'm not talking about a fast food burger and fries....I mean a home cooked/restaurant meal. Protein, starch, veggie. A full belly will help. Please don't try to build up your tolerance by drinking often. IMHO that's just asking for trouble down the road.

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Nah, no, it's not about being "cool", or anything silly like that. Like I said, most people I know drink socially. I just want to be able to participate, as well, without getting wasted.



It is interesting that eating sushi is the "cool thing" to do for social get togethers (singles events often involve classes on sushi-making) but nobody seems to feel that they have to force themselves to eat sushi in order to participate in social gatherings. There seems to be a choice when it comes to food and socializing...but with alcohol there seems to be a subtle feeling of peer pressure to conform. One can go out with others who are drinking socially and have a non-alcholoic beverage like Coke or Perrier.

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It is interesting that eating sushi is the "cool thing" to do for social get togethers (singles events often involve classes on sushi-making) but nobody seems to feel that they have to force themselves to eat sushi in order to participate in social gatherings. There seems to be a choice when it comes to food and socializing...but with alcohol there seems to be a subtle feeling of peer pressure to conform. One can go out with others who are drinking socially and have a non-alcholoic beverage like Coke or Perrier.


I agree. My husband almost never drinks at all. He is in the military and has been since he was 16. He did not let peer pressure push him to drink. His buddies drink and he has a Coke.

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