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I know some of you are probably so heartbroken that you're willing to try anything: anything to make life a little better right now, a little more hopeful. I really searched after my breakup for something that might do that. I found it: in just one week, energy healing has changed my life. I took a Shamballa class (you might want to look into Reiki since Shamballa practitioners can be hard to find). For those who doubt, it's worth a shot. You don't have to wonder whether it's working; it really works miracles, and in such a short time. I wish I had this after the breakup...


You can heal yourself and others, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You can send energy to situations and relationships (which might be good if you're still intent on getting back together with someone... but at the same time, it will heal your pain). I'm sure if I was reading this post a year ago I would have dismissed it... but if you've never heard of such a thing, do some research, see if this might be what you're looking for...


Before today, I knew this was very good for me... but this morning, I realised that it was *really* purging and curing my emotional wounds...


I was doing Shamballa to myself, for about an hour, while I was watching a movie (it's that simple). After a while, I started feeling quite relaxed, and even a bit euphoric, especially in my legs. I started to feel very light. As I relaxed with my hands over my heart chakra, I slowly started to feel a centre of pain -- not physical pain, but emotional pain -- coming out of my heart. It was the sort of feeling you get when you 'lose your stomach,' except it was in my heart. That centre of pain came from a point and started getting bigger, and bigger. There was a part of me that wanted to stop, but I kept going. That point continued to expand until it completely surrounded me. I became the emotion. I would describe it as extremely orgasmic, in its intensity, and in the way the emotions completely surrounded me. I felt incredible sadness and joy at the same time. The emotions were not about anything; that is, they weren't connected to anything I might feel joyful or sad about. They were just emotions. I felt like I could cry, and crying would have felt so beautiful, but I didn't. Now, it's over, and I'm not quite sure how I feel. I definitely feel relieved in some sense, and exhilarated. There's a sense of 'newness' but I don't quite know what that means. It feels as though I have shed my old skin. It feels like summer after finishing an incredibly stressful school year. I don't know what that was, but it was very amazing, and quite spiritual. I am lighter and free of all the junk that was clouding me after the breakup... so much baggage was healed in a matter of minutes. I've never felt anything like it before. I just... wow.


Maybe we're most open-minded when we're desparate. Maybe this will encourage you to look into something like this... or at the very least, to keep searching...

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Hmmm... Sounds very interesting. I don't know if I really believe in any of that stuff. But do you know of any good websites where I could check it out? I just recently got sent back to square one a couple of days ago. I was almost over him enough to where I could move on then something happened. I'm a little desperate right now. I'm open to trying anything at this point...

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It's hard for me to believe it, even now, and I've been doing it about a week, experiencing all kinds of miracles! (I managed to heal my grandmother of hot flashes, dizziness, and a pain in her leg in just one session.) The thing is, if you don't believe in it, all you have to do is try it... and then you'll *know*. I've never heard of anyone giving it a chance and getting nothing out of it. If you give it a chance, you'll see that it's powerful enough that it couldn't possibly be psychosomatic. I'd look for a Shamballa class, if you can, because it's usually much cheaper than traditional Reiki (and more powerful).


There are FAQ's and information about Reiki on link removed. Just do a search and you'll find lots of other websites, too. Just ask anyone who's tried it and I'm sure they won't deny it. It's a little harder to find anything about Shamballa, though...


Even more difficult to believe is that you can send energy over a distance to anyone who needs it. I'll tell you what: give me a time when you will be quietly relaxing, and tell me your name, birthday, and where you are (a name and a photo might actually be even better, if you have one -- send to email removed) and I'll send some energy your way. It's probably not the same as a hands-on healing, but by the end of the session, you should feel quite relaxed, and you might feel the energy passing through your body.

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The only thing I can suggest... there's a Shamballa mailing list on Yahoo! groups. There are over 200 subscribers, so you should be able to get Shamballa information through that. I don't know why there aren't more websites or books about Shamballa!

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My neighbour is into Reiki and Kinesiology (sp?) and runs workshops all t the time. I got roped into one without realizing it. I am the world's BIGGEST skeptic, so I was surprised when I went to a session a couple of years ago and saw it with my own eyes. Nothing like miracles, but just how you can chanel your positve energy for healing, and also how you can listen to your body and see what it needs. The idea of sending positive engery to heal yourself of someone else seemed believable - even for me.


Anyway, she had convinced until she started talking about conflicts between people as a result of conflicts from their previous lives and how to resolve those issues. I drew the line there. However, I did like the idea of "listening" to your bodies needs and then chanelling energy to heal yourself.


I would suggest everyone at least look into it. Even if you are a total "see it to believe it" kind of person like me.

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