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Wishing an ex happy bday

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My ex's bday is coming up next month and yes I still remember it because I still remember him and I know it's still early to even think about this but I have this dreadful feeling. Background story is we haven't spoken in 9 months, I broke NC 6 months ago with no response from him (at least not directly to me) and nothing since then. It's obvious I haven't completely healed from this heartbreak and while I do still care for him, I've never had anyone turn their back on me completely like he did but yet I still want to wish him a happy birthday. Is that stupid? I only have his email, I've long deleted his phone number and after a couple of months it has faded from my memory but not him... and no he doesn't care bc I never received anything on my birthday back in March.


Guess I answered my own question here, I'm just venting then. It's late, can't sleep, I apologize.

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Protect your heart... don't contact him. He didn't reply last time you did, so he probably wouldn't this time either. But don't think yourself stupid for wanting to wish him a happy birthday, there are sooo many posts on here with people wanting to do that. It's natural. I'm sure that I will have the same thoughts when my ex's birthday rolls around in October. If we leave them be though, they can't hurt us anymore than they already have. And even if you don't feel as though you are healing from this... you are, m'dear. It just takes time. A lot of time. But you're heading in the right direction, and the worst is long over.


I hope that you got some sleep eventually.

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My ex's is next month as well and I too want to send a text more so just so he knows I'm not bitter and moping, even though I am still mopey lol. He didn't say anything for mine last month but he told his brother who works with me to remind all my co workers it was my birthday, basically he knew that would get back to me.

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Why on earth would you wish someone happy birthday that didnt consider calling you on yours?? pls do not give this any further thought, he didnt respond to your call 6 months ago why would you think he will on his bday?? you setting yourself up for more pain.. honey its you your hurting, let him go ... Bdays arent meant to be used to break NC, consider it just another day.

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