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Anyone know why I get cramps in the lower part of my legs?

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I used to get cramps in my calf all the time as a teenager, almost everyday usually in the morning when stretching in bed. At some point they stopped (I suspect it has something to do with diet, but not sure exactly what).


They have just recently come back. I am pretty active (and that is not a new thing) so I don't think it is related to movement at all. I do suspect it is diet, but I don't know how to figure out what I'm eating too little/too much of. Any ideas?

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Potassium would be my guess.


When you get the cramps, point your toes up toward your chin rather than down toward the earth. Helps alleviate them somewhat.


Yes! At some point I had to learn that trick. It works wonders. I will go have a banana now Thanks... Let's hope it works.

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A friend of mine had that problem last month and in her case potassium didnt work. I looked it up and suggested magnesium and that worked for her! So if potassium doesnt work then try some magnesium citrate supplements.


Calcium, magnesium, and potassium all work in different ways but a deficiency in one of them can result in muscle cramps.

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Don't walnuts have magnesium? I eat them everyday these days. That and milk/dairy cover magnesium and calcium I suppose. I will drink more water and eat a banana and see if I have cramps tomorrow (or is it unrealistic to expect such fast results?)

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Yesterday I tried to drink more water, took a vitamin (I had not been very regular with it lately as I'm travelling) had a banana, some almonds instead of the usual walnuts and va-la! Cramps gone this morning. They were there consistently past several mornings. Such a fast fix! I wish I knew this when I was a teenager. And I kept asking around too....

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