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I feel MUCH better, but the guilt is eating at me!!!

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So I came here about a month ago to tell you about this painful, annoying summer that I've had with my Ex. In a nutshell, social networks, lack of communication, immaturity and insecurity killes my once happy relationship. Now at 22, I am mature enough to learn from my mistakes and admit that I am wrong. My ex could not do that. She also could not let go of my rant on TWITTER that happened two months prior to our final break up and she could not handle the fact that I called her a female dog after she said I wasnt a man, called me a piece of garbage and dumped me in front of my best friend.


My friends tell me that I am better off than she is because I've atleast learned something from the relationship and admitted my faults. For some reason I still feel bad. Maybe it was because of her manipulative language (this girl has mouth on her). I've been making the mistake of going on her twitter page as of late. All I've been reading is tweets like "Moving on", "Why is my life so perfect right now" and "If you dont treat your girl right someone ele will". I know im just torturing myself by doing this.


Everyone thinks I'm the nicest guy except her. I want to stop feeling like the bad guy. I let this girl talk down to me and make me feel like EVERYTHING was my fault this summer. Yes I messed up a couple of times, but the way she responded made the situation worse. I don't want to be with her at all because she has personal issues that i cant deal with, but I want to stop feeling guilty. I want to be me again. I used to hate when girls told me i was a teddybear or that i was lovable and sweet, now I want to be all of those things. How can I stop feeling guilty?!

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yes. She always said that "No dude has EVER talked to her that way" and she just couldnt let it go. I really think that in her mind she felt that she can talk to guys any way and nothing should happen because she's a female. I'm just sad that she'll forever remember me as the guy who disrespected her.

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Dude, holding onto guilt over calling an ex the B word is excessive. Let it go.


I suspect what bothers you most is her moving on and not remembering you kindly. That's life, man. Do you really need to validate yourself by how your ex girlfriend remembers you? And in time she will probably mature and look back and realize you weren't all that bad of a boyfriend anyway.

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oh darling


if she is this upset because you called her a b , then she is going to get some serious shocks in life when

she actually grows up , and believe me unless she gets herself a pair of bollox and quick she is in

for some tears along the way ...


who the hell cares how she remembers you ....only you !! and thats your insecurity ..you wont ever please everyone and not everyone you meet will like you , appreciate you or care less about you ...thats life


so please ..you must get over yourself and stop wasting your energy on what she thinks .

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"Moving on", "Why is my life so perfect right now" and "If you dont treat your girl right someone ele will". I know im just torturing myself by doing this.
She is writing that for you to see or hear about, don't fall for it, she's just being silly.
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Oh my goodness, I just hate when people act like that! I feel angry just hearing about your story man. She's being manipulative and abusive by blaming you for one small thing that you did while refusing to look at herself... my ex ex is like that too and I'm so glad that I promised myself that her and my friendship is over. Man up and take charge. Don't be cruel, but just show her that you're not going to take her bs anymore. You can do this by going NC and ignoring her little attempts to strike out at you... in fact it just shows weakness on her part. May look like strength, but those lashes means she's hurting in there somewhere and is immaturely trying to blame you for everything that's wrong so she doesn't have to blame herself.


In this way, I completely agree with DN. She's not really happy with the whole situation and is trying to fool everyone else (especially you) into thinking that 1) you're the bad guy and 2) she's completely fine and happy with everything that's going on. She's really not. This is important: DELETE her off of or block her on twitter and tell your friends not to tell you what she's writing on there. If you don't want to seem like the bad guy then you can write her a small message explaining why you're doing this, but I would advise against it. You don't need to see/hear her tweets -- it will only bring you down.

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