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Do you read one book at a time, or several simultaneously?


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I always used to read a book more or less from cover to cover, and then start another one. At the moment I'm reading four or five at the same time, which is something I started doing a year ago or so. I quite like it because it sometimes feel refreshing to swap between perspectives and stories. On the other hand, I wonder if I end up taking less with me because my reading becomes more scattered.


What do others tend to do? One book at the time, or multiple books in tandem?

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It depends how much I am enjoying the book. If it's just okay then I read a couple at a time, just because I enjoy reading -- but there are books that just suck you in and you can't put it down until you finish it.

I used to be like you, read it cover to cover regardless how good or bad it might have been, but for some reason that's changed, perhaps because it doesn't seem as bad when I'm going from one story to the other.

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I read about three at a time. Anymore than that I start skimming, impatient to see how it turns out. I found that certain styles of writing appeal to me and I follow that thread no matter the genre as it were. Currently I'm reading a the autobiography of a racist Air Force General, switching the next day to a horror book about Satan on earth and then falling asleep with the lifestyle musings of an African detective. All very well written and I like my process. lol

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Always one at a time otherwise it's too easy to lose track of where you are in the story and eventually lose interest in the novel altogether. I remember reading a Lee Child book and when I found a Stephen King novel I had been searching for for months, I started that and finished it rather quickly, I then went back to the Lee Child novel and I was lost - I had no idea what was going on and I lost interest, even after trying to read it from the start again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I always used to read a book more or less from cover to cover, and then start another one. At the moment I'm reading four or five at the same time, which is something I started doing a year ago or so. I quite like it because it sometimes feel refreshing to swap between perspectives and stories. On the other hand, I wonder if I end up taking less with me because my reading becomes more scattered.


What do others tend to do? One book at the time, or multiple books in tandem?


Cover to cover. Reading more books ... well is good but you lose your focus ... and this might affect you in real life ( being impatience, waiting for the next meeting when the present one just started, etc )

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

Usually one at a time, but i dont read novels, i read books on technical stuff. Even though these technical books are all linked and say the same thing, i find it hard to go book to book. I want to read more than one book at once - i guess it all comes down to how good your memory is. I remember i could only read one book, and if i skimmed a chapter, i would get upset and have to read the whole book all over again. But, i would still have to read books for school, and we all read online - just like you are doing now... so we are sort of still reading other outside material.


I am going to try reading more than one book and see where it goes.

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  • 1 month later...

At least 2. With self improvement books on corporate advice, psych, spirituality i need to read less then I reflect on it. To keep my brain light I switch to a fiction book. This I can read for about 2 chapters. Then I go back to the other book.

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Depends on the type of book. Fiction novels I read one at a time, especially dense ones with a lot to keep track of such as Neal Stephenson. I think it ruins the pace of the story to swap to another book. I also think if I got into the habit of reading several at once I would never finish some of them. Non-fiction books where each chapter tends to be an isolated subject I can change between.

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Only ever one at a time. I don't really see the point of reading more than one. I always feels like it might make things get muddled or something, I dunno. It's not too much of a lose for me time-wise, though, because I tend to power through books. It's something of a combination between being a fast reader, and being able to sit dow and read for long stretches at a time.

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I read multiple books, magazines, newspapers--if it's got words on it I'll pick it up and read it. I love to graze, I love reading period. If it's something really intense I will sometimes read that exclusively, but other times nope. And I admit it here and now, I went through a phase of reading the ending of the book first. I don't know why, it just was something I liked to do for a bit. Drove my ex at the time crazy, maybe that's why I did it.


Now I won't look at the end at all, because I want to savor the reveal at the end.

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