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Soldier Mother tells son how she feels

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I did it. I told him how I felt and he called me this morning and was mad at me. Now he says his fiancee is mad and the both of them aren't coming here. I put the wedding dress I was making away this morning and will have to tell my husband at supper tonight that we won't get to see him on his leave. I don't know when I will see my son again, but I got my answer and thank you so much for the replies , this is a good site. Very nice people on here.

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I was sitting here thinking how much I miss my mother in law. She passed away last year, and I am so glad in my heart I never treated her unkindly and always tried to include her in everything we did, regardless of who was there or who wasn't. She was a fine lady and a fine mother and how I miss her today. I wanted to tell her what happened and why my son isn't coming home now, and ask her what to do. My mother passed on two years ago and it is a lonely day here in this house right now. It is funny how we look for solace in times of trouble and times of heartache and we find comfort and strength when we seek it. And, so it is here I write this today. I keep remembering that old saying your not loosing a son your gaining a daughter. Today I lost my son. I see things clearer now. I guess I will accept the fact that she don't want to have anything to do with his side of the family. What am I going to do with all these wedding gifts from around this mountain? To many to mail and I doubt I will see them for years now, should I just give them back to the people that brung them by? Thanks for listening, Cara

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I'm sorry it worked out this way. But let them cool off for a little while and then call him again and try to work it out. Things said in anger don't have to last forever. Unfortunately this girl has your son wrapped around her finger right now and he will have to take some time and sort out his loyalties.


You still did the right thing. Don't assume this is the way it will be forever.

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I'm sorry things turned out like that... I've seen it happen before. Young people are easily manipulated when in love. He and she [they] are pushing you away right now, but your son doesn't realize the heartache he's causing. Sometimes it takes a long time before kids gain the maturity to realize such things. Unfortunately, sometimes, it doesn't happen until the couple breaks up. It will be difficult, but don't give up on him.


Some words of caution:

If you pressure him any more, it may cause a greater rift between you. Similarly, if elder family members confront him about it, to him, it will seem like "the old people just don't understand." Then again, if he has any siblings, their involvement could turn ugly in a "choosing sides" feud.


The best option would be to speak to a close friend of his who would be willing to listen to your concerns. Somebody who isn't directly associated with your family could mediate with a more objective view. And someone who is your son's age can relate to him better without the generation gap.

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Isn't it interesting how much we can miss someone when we need someone to talk too. My marriage is in total meltdown and my wife has amanged to about run off all my family and friends and hthe other day I was about to a breaking point and actuallty went my chuch where my parents are buried, sat on the ground, and 'talked' to them both for hours...


I just knew the looney policew were coming by for me at any time. but it was so good... Both of my parents are deceased and it hurts not having someone close by to bare your soul too...


GOod Louck!

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