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Being a guy's kind of girl


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Hi everyone, I'm just curious. How important is it to a guy that his girlfriend enjoy the same things -- sports, video games, topics of conversation, etc.?


I've never been interested in sports, but I'd be willing to pay more attention if I thought it were REALLY important to a guy. Or are there some activities that you want to enjoy with your friends and don't care if your girlfriend takes an interest?



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I think it should be a natural thing. If your personalities match and you click with someone then you should be able to talk about anything regardless of how your interests may differ. When you get involved with someone you should want to take an interest in their interests, and vice versa. That's what being in a relationship is all about. How much yu get involved in what they like depends on how much you like them!

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It helps to take an interest in what the other person likes. But you shouldn't do it just to please the guy. Do it because you want to learn about the topic. Make sure he's taking an interest in what you like as well.

I agree, if two people like each other and their personalities click, it should come naturally. You'll find things to talk about and will take an interests in all aspects of each others lives.

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It's always nice when your gf at least takes an interest in something we like. I mean we love to show off and everyone loves talking about things they're interested in. Is it that you don't like sports or just haven't really payed attention to them? I mean lets say he invites you to watch a football game with his friends...have you thought of trying it out? I mean you could ask him to explain some parts of the game to you and perhaps you may end up liking it. If not, no big deal at least you spent some time to get to know HIM (not the HIM he presents to you). Then conversely you could get him to get involved with something you like in a similar fashion...relationships are give and take.

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I think that it is good when two people in a relationship have things in common, be it sports, eating out, clubbing, travelling and so on. I also think that it is also important to have your own hobbies and space. There is nothing worse than feeling 'trapped'.


Different 'guys' like different things. I must admit that I am a sports/fitness fanatic, whereas one of my best friends is not that much into sports but really likes his video games. Yet we are the best of mates! There are of course other things that we have in common.


In summary I think that you should have common interests with your partner and you at least take an interest (don't have to take part) in what they like. In a relationship there is a little give and take.

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These are really good ideas, guys - thanks! I agree that two people should share some things in common AND take an interest in the other's hobbies. It just makes sense.


I did once go with a guy who loved video games, so I tried real hard to get into them, but in all honesty, I didn't really enjoy it. He was disappointed when I stopped playing with him and his friends. But, by that time, I had realized that he didn't really make an effort to get into my hobbies, so I didn't feel so bad.


As for sports, I do like them and could get into watching them. It's just that it's never been a high priority to follow the players and stats and stuff.


I guess I was just wondering if a woman is more attractive to a man if she knows something about his favorite activities, etc.? Like I said, I'm not against sports, only I never made time to follow them. I don't think it'd be unnatural, but I'd be making an intentional effort ... like picking up any new hobby.

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Katie, you always ask great questions. I've wondered about the sports thing, too, because I'm just not into them. It's never seemed to be a problem, but I do wonder if guys secretly yearn for a girl who's really into sports and can cheer along with them?


On the other hand, I love Superbowl parties, and I'm a good one for making all the snacks!

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