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It's officially been a week and NC is getting tough.

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It's been a week since that annoying phone conversation with my ex. She seemed like she really didn't want to end it for good, but felt like it was the right thing to do. Before we hung up she told me she wanted us to still be "cool" and for me not to call her back that night. I of course called here that night a few more times. It's SOOOOOOO hard for me not to text or call her. EVERY morning when I wake up I constantly think about her and i get sad and get the urge to call her. How can I get rid of these urges? The other night I slept with a new chick and I woke up next to her thinking about my ex and I wanted to call her. I need help!

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There is no easy answer. Sometimes it just comes down to self control. No more, no less. The realization that I will feel worse after the contact, not better, usually is enough to keep me from making that contact. Contact is not going to end well. You have a choice between feeling crappy or contacting them and feeling really crappy.


Do whatever you can to distract yourself. Take it a day at a time. An hour at a time if you have to. If you fell like contacting her, don't do it this hour. Wait until the next hour. Then deal with it the next hour. Put enough hours together without contact they you will have at least one day. Just keep repeating. The days will turn to weeks. Weeks to months. It won't seem worthwhile at first. Trust me !!! Do it anyways. NC and time is the only way out of this prison.

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