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Looking for some opinions, feedback, etc.

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Long story short, my ex and I broke up in November, got back together somewhat in January, and ended in early February again.


We are high school/college sweethearts and both are in mid-20s. After college, we both stayed in the college town and worked there until we both were able to find jobs in our hometown. We moved back and my long work-hours and tendency to enjoy going out with friends somewhat broke us up. We both were living at our parents house during this time, so we struggled to find time for ourselves. When we broke up, it was her call. She gave me a window to attempt to patch things up and show her how much she meant, but we argued about the situation. She wanted to move-in together (which I was hesitant to, looking back def shouldn't of been) and take the next step in our relationship. Well, she wasn't happy about me planning a last minute trip to go see a college football game and took that as her last straw. She was done.


Fast forward to present-day. She moved to NY and I to Atlanta. We talk often, text/phone calls really. At one point, we were talking daily and she said she couldn't do it, that it stung after we'd talk and she thought she wasnt ready. Well, I respected her choice, and 4 days later I get "I miss you" texts. We went back to texting daily, just small stuff, but enough to tell that we both still cared. This past week, I asked her what it all meant. Why she would say she misses me, call/text me when she would go out. She said she wasnt sure of her feelings and did not want to blow it. That she's afraid to see me b/c she won't know how she feels, that maybe it truly is something she misses or maybe she was right in breaking things off.


I can tell you the time apart has taught me a lot. I am soon moving to a city closer to where she is and hope to see her. We have nothing scheduled as far as a meet up, but I am optimistic once I get settled up North we'll set something up. I'm writing on here to get feedback into what you think I should do. It was her bday yesterday and I sent her a small gift, a poster of her favorite music group that I know she'll really like. On her bday I called and said happy bday, we talked briefly, then I told her to listen to a song that reminded me of her, very much a love song, and she said it was really sweet and she likes it. I'd do anything to be with her right now and for some reason going through this site and typing this makes it feel that much better. Thanks for any advice.

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