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Reconnecting with a friend...should I?

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It's been 8 months since I lasted talked to a friend. I'm a girl and my friend is a guy. I was friends with his girlfriend and we were all good friends...at least...I thought we were... You're probably thinking love triangle and yes I admit I liked him but I would never do anything to come between him and his girlfriend. Of course, his girlfriend thought otherwise but she is a whole other problem. About a year ago stupid drama happened between him, his girlfriend, and me. Ever since then our friendship has been somewhat rocky. We'd get angry and stop talking for a month or so but then we would apologize and back to being friends. Though in November we had another falling out and we haven't spoken since then.


It's a really long story and it's always been between him, his girlfriend and me. It was all just miscommunication and not understanding what the other person met. The falling out we had in November...I take full responsibility for what happened. It was my fault for poor choice of words. They were both incredibly upset at me to the point that they wanted to cut all ties with me. They both did but then he called back. He apologized for being angry and understood why I said what I said because I liked him. Though it's not just because I liked him, I really cared for him as a friend and I was trying to look out for him. He also said that he didn't need to cut ties with me for that.


Whatever happened in the past, is past. I'm not angry anymore. I don't care about whose fault it was and I don't like him anymore. All I care is that I miss my friend. I suspect the reason why we never talked to each other since November was beca of use his girlfriend. And I've been too afraid to contact him out of fear that she would get mad at him and then he would be upset at me. However, I won't know that unless I ask him. Anyways. Recently, I heard that they had broken up a few weeks ago. Before I heard this news I've always wanted to try and reconnect but his (ex)girlfriend scares me. Even now when they have broken up I'm still scared of her. They've been dating on and off for the past 4 years and even when they say they are over each other and want nothing to do with each other they end getting back together.


So what should I do?

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Since I can't think of a better word I'll just say that she can be quite the * * * * * when angered. And yes he was my friend first but we didn't become good friends until after he started dating her. He asked me for favors in giving him rides to go see his girlfriend when she moved away for college. Which brings me to what my other friends say that he was just using me and we weren't really friends. But we've all hung out before he started dating and while he was so..not sure why they would say that.

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