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Travelling for free - is it really possible?


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Hi there, I was wondering if anybody could give me some advice. I am going through a transitional period in my life. I lost a girl who I truly loved and I don't think I will ever have her back anytime soon... It's been over a month since we split but I can't stand my life without her. It's horrible getting up Monday-Friday and working my 9-5 daily grind. And weekends are intensely boring as there's really nothing to do to fulfil myself... My friends don't go out much anymore and when I'm not upset from the breakup, I'm basically just very very bored...


I want to just run away from everything now. But I have no savings, and no idea where I really want to travel to. I feel like I should just take a huge leap though and get myself out of here. I live in the UK. I can get enough money together to buy flights maybe or give myself a basis to start off. Also my job would allow me to apply for a career break if needs be. but I dont feel like I want to wait around. I realise it would be a huge risk to quit my job as I have few qualifications and would find it very hard to get back into work again if I ever had to come home due to the harsh economic climate here at the minute. But also I'm finding that my work is suffering due to how I'm feeling right now and I may lose my job if I don't get my head atraight anyway.


If there is anybody that can talk to me or give some advice I would greatly appreciate it! I'm not going to just rush into anything or make a bad decision, thats why I'm asking around...

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i would say stay for many reasons,among them :

- you learn to face hardship

- you keep your job and financial stability

- you learn to know that there is a time for everything without having to lose a thing


as for the girl...look, british girls are among the most beautiful ones in Europe so i dont understand your problem about a single one.

she left ? ok, thanks for your time

NEXT !!!

sounds simple ? try it, its even simpler.

keep your good and loving feelings for someone else who deserves them

otherwise you will keep threading here till you get old and wasted.

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i appreciate your replys buddy. i never neglect advice and different peoples perspectives and i will take some of what you said on board. maybe even follow the advice.


however ... i would really like to find a new girl but i couldnt fall in love without spending years working for it, bonding and connecting with someone like that... i don't really want to stay in this job feeling miserable and hoping to find love. theres far too little hope for Uk girls. They may be beautiful but I need a girl who i can talk and talk and talk to. Most British girls who reside in the UK like TV and are too obsessed with 'girl stuff'. besides it would take me months or maybe years to properly heal and want to love someone else now...


basically i don't want to sit still right now. i want to be on the move constantly and experiencing new things. not stuck in an office for 40 hours a week feeling totally unfulfilled.


Anybody else have any advice about actually doing the travelling?

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"Most?" UK girls? Or only UK girls you've come into contact with?


You talk of not being able to stand life without your ex, plus the fact you've only broken up more than a month ago. Then you talk about meeting new girls.


I think you are obviously still in a rough patch post break up. I'd be putting the breaks on regarding meeting girls, sort yourself out first IMO. Also travellling which is the main crux of this thread (sorry for going a little off topic) when feeling like this, is in my mind escapism, i.e. running away from issues that you have to eventually deal, accept and come to terms with. There is no amount of moving to here or there that will help you get over an ex and the break up. Problems will follow you to the end of the earth unless you choose to face them.


Dumba has a point!


p.s. Maybe go on a meditation retreat in the lake district?

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Maybe you can do couch surfing? Where you stay on people's sofa's. I also thought of fruit picking to earn some money but there's none of that in the winter or is it? Do you want to travel in the UK or just anywhere? Maybe a job at Edinburgh festival, something casual.


I feel very similar to you btw..hurt wrenching BU and needing a huge kick. Though I don't have a stable job etc. I thought of working for Edinburgh Fringe festival but I'm actually volunteering for the Olympics so can't do both. But even thought of moving there, to Edinburgh. Do consider that there are a lot of foreign girls in the UK too, maybe you can connect to that more if you feel different. I am foreign and all of my bf's have been british.

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Hi, maybe there are a couple of half-way houses here. Book two weeks off work and go travelling round Europe for a bit. See how you find it (goodness knows the weather here is bad enough to warrant a bit of escapism at the moment!). Then come back to your job, keep your responsibilities going, think about the experiences you've had and decide what you really want to do.


If you're really thinking of going travelling for a longer period of time, it really helps to have it planned out, some ideas of where you're heading, research into the country and whether you'd need any immunisations etc. You need a couple of contacts there to start you off if possible, an emergency back-up fund that you can draw upon, and an goal or aim from your travelling.


So yes, as others have said - don't run, don't try and escape. But plan, think and experience if that's what you want to do.

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  • 1 month later...

Id say You need some self improvement. Find a new hobby, maybe start going to the gym. running away isnt going to help right now as good as it may feel. Plan a trip in say 6 months (as far away as it sounds) it gives you something to work for look forward too. Running away will feel good but dont do it, I did it so up to you, but i believe a hobby which should bring a new cirlcle of friends would be the answer. and if you really have to get away go away for the weekend.

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