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Gratitude Journal

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1) A good walk


2) A good day's work


3) My basics are covered: food, shelter, clothing. And community.


4) My biggest fears have not occurred, and I've learned to let them go. Or at least let them be tiny concerns and mostly out of my mind.


5) Longer daylight!


6) Fox tracks on up my driveway this morning, and right by my window.

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Hi JN, we have a massive problem with foxes where I live. You will easily see them throughout the day, and when I drive home at night, I'll nearly always see severa. The dog goes crazy barking when he gets the scent of foxes.


I hope you are also enjoying your dog-sitting.

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1) Snowshoeing


2) Fluffy fresh snow and animal tracks. And discovering someone else's snowshoe tracks weaving through these quiet woods.


3) My plow guy



LOL...i went snowshoeing for the first time (by myself) last Sunday. I carried pup inside my coat with her head sticking out! Other than my hips hurting making me realize i'm getting old...i enjoyed myself!

Too tired to be grateful for anything else...just got done reading more about BPD....

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LOL...i went snowshoeing for the first time (by myself) last Sunday. I carried pup inside my coat with her head sticking out! Other than my hips hurting making me realize i'm getting old...i enjoyed myself!

Too tired to be grateful for anything else...just got done reading more about BPD....




Nah, it doesn't mean you're getting old. It's just not something you've been doing everyday. How did your pup like it?

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^This blogger writes "Often times we get so busy with chasing after the things we want, after the things that are somewhere out there, that we forget to enjoy the present moment, we forget to be happy." I would add that we are so busy reacting to people and events in our lives that we forget to enjoy the present moment, we forget to be happy.


I'm noticeably happier, less grumpy and reactive, when i keep a gratitude journal. Posting here in this gratitude journal helps, even though I feel I'm repeatedly grateful for the same things.


Today I am grateful for...

1) Living where I can step outside in my pj's first thing in the morning and hear loons calling as they fly overhead

2) Peacefulness

3) Blueberries and oatmeal

4) My dog visitors

5) Having income

6) A working washing machine in my basement.

7) Plans to meet friends later today

8 ) My teachers

9) Positive changes in my life

10) Healing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh JN, I was watching something really amazing the other morning. A spider had spun a long singular thread of web from a tree outside my back door. The thread was perhaps three and a half feet long. On the end of the thread was a singular leaf, and the leaf was spinning in the wind. I was so surprised at the strength of the thread of web because the breeze was also blowing it backwards and forwards like a pendulum. I watched it for quite some time and it didn't break. Later on in the day, I saw it was gone. I told D about it, and he said it was likely a specific type of spider, I can't remember the name, but he said that the spider would have been curled up in the leaf - that is how they get about sometimes, and that the thread of their webs is very strong. I hadn't thought about how amazing spiders are and when I think about it, the architecture of their webs, and that they are built constantly is pretty darn amazing!

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