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Two people with a lot in common


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Well this story starts off with when i got broken up with a year ago and i got a message saying "hey your cute." I thought really nothing of it so i decided to just say thanks. So low in behold a year later during christmas we start talking we talked for about a week and then we just stopped cuz she had a bf and was in a differen't country. We had a lot in common that it was not even funny it was like we were the same people. We have close to the same family values we both view family in high importence.


So i get a text one night saying my boyfriend broke up with me through a text. So i told her i could be there but only as a friend. Later we started talking more and more and then one day she decided to come over. We hung out and went out with her friends. Then she came over a week later and suprised me at the gym i was like wow. Then a week later she told me she was gonna go to this club and come over after but, i decided to surprise her and show up. I don't go to clubs but, i really wanted to see her. We danced the night away.

Then the next weekend i went and picked her up we hung out and made out in my basement for a while. Then we started dry humping but i wouldn't sleep with her because im a virgin and my virginity is important and im not gonna lose it right away. So as i was driving her home i asked her out and she said "no." I asked why and she told me "you need to meet my parents." So then the next weekend i went to her brothers university and meet her brother. She went wild which was alright but then puked and i had to play daddy.

Then she went to visit her brother the next weekend and i had to stay home with my mom because she was sick. My friend texted me saying your girls on everyone. I was like * * * i flipped because i thought that was disrepectful and made me feel like i was just being used. She came out saying she didn't and she wasn't all over anyone. So i had to trust her because my friend had no evidence and he didn't remember most of the night anyways. So i got upset and sent her a text message to stop texting me because i was upset. I later brought it up and she denied.

So i felt like i should push for a commitment because that would make me feel better and she said "i need Time" and "we dont talk." As soon as i heard i need time i pushed more because the girl from before said that and then left me for another guy. So i decided the next day i would surprise her because i wanted her to understand where i was coming from and what i truly wanted. I figured flowers because it a sign that shows your serious and your sorry plus i have never bought flowers so it was a big deal. So i drove an hour to see her and i met her mom who loved that i was a virgin. I hung out that night and i just told her it was from a past relationship. Then i kissed her goodnight and text her goodnight. I texted her a couple times with a response from her like a couple hours later.

Then thursday i asked her how she was and she had a bad day but didn't want to talk about it and i said if you need anything im here for you. Then friday we were supposed to go see her brother and i texted her earlier and never got a text so i was like wow again. So i went out and had fun at 1 she texted me like 12 hours later saying "hey * * * * * ." i was like * * * and i was playing stupid so i was like who is this and she was like wow and im like seriously and she was like wow you deleted my number.

So last night i decided to text her something along the lines of this. If your truly want this to work you will show me that your different, you wont play games, and overall you will show me you truly care. I said i have done enough to show you what i want and that im truthful so it in your hands. Then i put a linkin park quote that said "So give me reason to prove me wrong." She deleted me off facebook so i was like "i guess i got my answer it was nice knowing you and i honestly wish you best im gonna miss your amazing smile and the way you make me laugh goodbye ********."

So I decided to try and clear my mind up and hang with an old friend i went to high school with her name is ********** and we hung out like everyday and then later that night the girl I was hanging with texted me and told me the girl I was seeing bf tried to request her and they live on totally opposite ends and have no mutual friends. It's been like three weeks I saw her and she put up a "public" status that said ive been in relationships if a guy can't treat me right then I can manage on my own. I texted her later like a couple days * * * * you been to see if we could start talking no response. Then my friend saw her and asked and she said she felt that i pressured her to be in a relationship with me. Where do I go from here I don't want to give up but I feel it's my only option. Do I call her and tell her ask her to meet up and then maybe talk about it or what? I don't want this to end because I do like her but I just don't know what to do please help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks for reading

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