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Had a great night want to share

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Well yesterday I was mooching around my house, doing some work not as much as I should, around 10.30pm I started thinking how damn lonely it can be being on my own. Then a minute later the phone rings its my brother out with his wife and friends saying I should come out. So I blew caution to the wind brushed my teeth and was out of the door. It started low key, I felt a bit out of place as every one was in couples then I started to unwind and loosen up. The shots started flowing and kept flowing.


We went to busy bars I have never been in before, packed with people, more sambuca shots. I then had the time of my life - nothing planned just really good fun. There was a woman there being very forward with me. I lapped it up, it made me feel like an absolute ssex god ha ha ha. Yeah I know its vain, but it was the first time in such a long time that somone came on to me. It felt so so good. She was very attractive, her body language was clear , I could read all the signs. I allowed it to keep coming, her compliments, more sambuca shots. In the end I took a cab home alone, my choice, as Im not ready yet for anything but my self esteem was riding high. Somtimes out of the blue we can have the most incredible days where we really can feel good about ourselves. Last night was one of them.


Yup I overspent, I over drank, I got a hangover, but I feel great. Maybe its time I started getting more active socially who knows. But just want to share how good it felt and how good I felt after going through so much garbage these past 4 months. Life is to be lived to the full! Onwards and upwards.

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Hahaha! Good for you! As long as you don't turn overspending, overdrinking and getting hung over into a daily activity, then it sounds as though you've got a very clear message that you need to get out more!


Hi yup I dont drink alone in the home anymore and only drink when I go out which aint that much. But yes its a message that I now need to start getting back into life!

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Hi well i will come for you of that their is zero doubt my friend. Im not saying that they wont be more sad bad days for me, but getting out back into life is the only way forward. The very fact you are thinking that this stage is fast approaching means you are on your way. And hell if you were this side of the atlantic I would buy you a line up of sambuca shots ha ha ))


Good choice on the hangover cure, gonna actually make some toasted health food. And got the juice lined up, plus with a few hours work my head will clear -) Stay strong rooting for you!


That's wonderful Dino, I envy you that stage.

I'm not quite there yet, but I think it's approaching quickly.


Enjoy your toasted tomato sandwiches and carbonated water (well, that works for me).



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