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talking with my ex again after 3 months NC. wat do i do to win her back?


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You can do this by saying something as simple as...."I still have feelings for you but I would like to move on with my life. I think it is best if we not talk or contact each other for a while. I'd like to focus on my life. I hope you can understand."...or something truthful like that. It's not wrong to tell a person you still care about them and need time alone


I like this ^^^^


can't say fairer than that ...


oh hey are you ok fella ..big hug julian, I know this is hard xx

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Julian, as a woman, I would definitely not be interested in someone who is obviously playing games and is chasing me. You need to be a confident man not for her but for yourself. Nothing is more attractive to a woman than a man who is secure, decisive, and confident. Right now, you appear to lack these traits. Be the real you and only then, you can be truly happy and attract a woman worthy of your love.

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Julian I think you need to take a step back and reevaluate this situation, love is not a game, a who can score the most cheap points off each other.

I think that she has tried to score a few of these points on you to see if she can get a reaction and you've played back into her hands.

Step back and take a moment for yourself, is this what you want to portray, a life you haven't lived, only to find yourself weeks later with contact with your ex under your belt to suddenly have the desire to fess up and tell her it's all lies and demean yourself.


I hope you come to your own conclusions and wish you well

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I really think you should continue the NC. Clearly you're in no shape to be back in contact with her. She doesn't want to get back together with you right now, of that I'm pretty darn sure.


She's glad to be in contact with you, because yes, she probably was very curious what you were up to these past months. But no, that doesn't mean she wants to get back. It's hard to understand or accept, especially while you're still in love with the person, but them missing you or still having feelings for you is not the equivalent of wanting to get back together with you.


You need more time away from her.

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Julian i'd really recommend you reading this thread, especially the posts by Zorba -




Im not in anyway saying that your ex dating will be a rebound, it might not be, but i still think the same kinds stuff applies either way. Seriously, its a great read. I really think its a good idea you go back to NC, dont give her the security of being able to date whilst having you there in the background if she needs you.

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  • 4 months later...
Sorry for reigniting that thread, i was just reading about julian's case and i wanted to share my experiance.


Julian, my ex was doing the exact same thing to me, i went on and told her exactly what seoulmate mentioned.. i think it's the best thing to do...


OMG i read this thread again and at first i didnt recognized it was mine! the as i carry on reading , i notice that the situation was exactly the same as mine,,, just so i looked at the name of the one who posted it and happened to see that it was me who wrote this thread a few months ago ahahaha..

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