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Feeling low for some reason..

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I don't really know what could have caused this mood. Saturday i was feeling fine but i have no idea when the happy feeling left. This week has been such a blur. Had exams and tests all week, and i have assignments i still need to complete that the due date has already been. Everyday at school, as soon as i step inside that gate, everything just comes rushing at me. All these voices come at me. I feel boxed in and i guess that's usually when i can be 'full of energry and quite a B' or just down right rude and ignore everybody. If i don't have my earphones, music, internet and my drawing equpiment, things'll hit the fan.


I'm just feeling so low, like i could go kill myself and no-one would care. I'm not saying that its true but its the thought that comes round every time i have voices.

Just bleh.

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Hey There!


You're 15, that's a tough age. Being a teenager is extremely stressful. Do you journal? I know that sounds silly, but it can help so much. You just write everything down on paper to get it out of your head. You'll feel much better.


Aside from that, the low feeling will pass. You just have to wait it out. Honestly, high-school can be more brutal than college, depending on the type of high school you're attending. It's a lot. Just hang in there, things will get better.



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Hey There!


You're 15, that's a tough age. Being a teenager is extremely stressful. Do you journal? I know that sounds silly, but it can help so much. You just write everything down on paper to get it out of your head. You'll feel much better.


Aside from that, the low feeling will pass. You just have to wait it out. Honestly, high-school can be more brutal than college, depending on the type of high school you're attending. It's a lot. Just hang in there, things will get better.




i do sometimes journal, but not all the time.

high school is a stupid place. none of the teachers know what they're talking about, especially in pe how they talk about depression but can never spot it in the kids,like me. (prob coz i hide it so well) but honestly, i'm seriously considering online schooling. i can't handle school and their expectations.

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