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Blowjobs on penises with foreskin

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hi everybody! i'm new to this forum.. so not sure how everything works yet!


Getting straight into the dirt, my boyfriend and i haven't done much (sexually). we've gone as far as me giving him a handjob. and well, he's uncut.


He was over at my house the other day and we both got a little rowdy.. but we didn't end up doing anything. I thought i must've done something wrong. Then i found out, thru one of my girlfriends whom he had spoken to, that he wasn't "clean" so he didn't want it to be unpleasant for me.


Is there a difference between blowjobs on cut penises and uncut penises? thanx for ur attention~!

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I am a guy with an intact foreskin.


The biggest difference between guys with and guys without, in that he needs to make more of an effort to keep himself clean. But, if he washes carefully each time he showers and retracts the skin when he urinates (which his Dad should have taught him to do when he was about 4), he should be as clean as any other man. If you are together and he has any doubt he could always excuse himself and go wash, it just takes a second.


What you can expect is that the glans (head) will be moist rather than dry; this is particularly true if he is aroused. This is not urine but basically the same type of secretion that makes the vagina moist.


The only difference during oral sex, is that you will need to hold the skin out of the way (depending on how long it is and that varies a lot). If you just run your hand down the shaft and hold gently near the bottom everything will be fine. Just don't stretch the skin too tight as that can become painful after a few seconds. If it slips back into your way, just do the same thing again. On the plus side, he will be a little more sensitive than a circumcised man, which can be good for both of you.


I was very self-conscious about having a foreskin when I was young, and worried about grossing girls out, so I understand his feelings. But my wife assures me that there is little difference, but that she likes mine better because "there is more to play with".


I have to admit I am feeling a little sheepish giving this advice to a 17 year old (I have a 30 year old daughter). But seriously, if you have questions ask, if he has questions have him PM or email me.

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