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I have been in an up and down relationship for 2 years. I am 53 yo and she it 52. We are not kids. Most of the time we get along. But she quickly organized a move out of state ( i was not invited).


Recently I witnessed for the first time her psychotic break down. I am not a trained psychiatrist but a family member is a trained psychotherapist. It was very likely the first episode of Schizophrenia. This does not bode well. What if I move away from my family to a strange location and get married and then on top of everything deal with this illness.


Mental illness is no joke and I don;t mean to discriminate those who deal with these types of issues daily.


But, we are not married and have no contract; on the contrary she decided on her own to flee the relationship. Although she is hinting that we we should get married down the road after I am financially more secure. I don't want to participate in a long distance relationship in the meantime. I can not afford it and it has never worked for me in the past.

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I don't want to participate in a long distance relationship in the meantime. I can not afford it and it has never worked for me in the past.


Putting aside the issues you mentioned, it sounds like that right there is your answer. Adding the issues that could potentially be very serious, it sounds like yes, its probably time to let it go.

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