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its now at a stage where im sleepping with knives in my bed is this a bad sign or not and all so i think i keep hearing voices but there is now one around when i hear them. still im not afraid to die. ok many of you are thinking then go ahead do it, i have just found a site on which tells you about the poisons in plant and what they do to you its really good.



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Hi there. I'm not sure why you feel apt to sleep with knives next to you at night but as long as they stay where they are, there is no harm done. The moment you lay a finger on one, that harm has begun. I don't know what has gone on in the past (or what's happening presently) in your life but I can tell you from experience, suicide is not the way to go. After 3 attempts in my own life, I now realize that I have so much more to live for than to have taken my own life and regret it during afterlife. The suicide attempts were out of anger and uncertainty that I was dealing with at the time -- the last attempt coincidentally including a knife but with the point positioned directing over my heart, I just couldn't find the nerve to pull it towards me. My point of all this is... take a look around you... think about not only yourself and how unfair it would be to you but to also the people that care about you. Yeah, you may think "no one will notice me gone" and things of that nature but believe me, you'll be more wrong than you know. It takes a strong willpower to follow through but an even stronger willpower to let things be (or make them better). Good luck and if you need someone to relate/talk to, feel free to PM me.

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I've read both your posts, and what you are going through is very disturbing. I honestly think you need to seek professional help, ASAP. Whether you think no one would care or not if you died, you're wrong. People would be devastated and they would have to live with guilt and pain for the rest of their lives. I hope that you aren't in so much pain that you can't see how this would cause pain to others if you did this.


If you are hearing voices, that is a real sign you need to get help and now. Please, you can get through this if you swallow your pride and get help. Believe it or not, you have a place on this earth, and there are so many good things waiting for you if you just take action now and get the help you need.

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Hello friend,


I can see you are in a lot of pain. I've been where you are and death looked very appealing. I would have done anything to stop the pain and get rid of that sick feeling I had all the time.


Scout is right, its time to get some professional help. You do NOT have to live in pain all the time. There are so many people out there who can help and who do not want you to die. You just haven't met them yet. You reached out to us here - well now we are reaching out to you. If you are still reading this then at least I've reached you.


Please have a look at this site: link removed I found this site when I was at my lowest point in my life. And it gave me some inspiration to try a little longer to make things better. It took time - I won't lie to you. But it did get better. Nobody is beyond help. There is nothing so bad that you cannot be forgiven and be loved.



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Hey guy I think I was where you are now with the pain and burden of life weighing in on my shoulders. I am a fire fighter and I was dangerous and unpredictable person for a while. One day there was a big fire and I was putting my life in harms way and not thinking it all through about what I was doing when I saw my chance to end it all. I was so close to leaving my buddy in a blaze when my whole life flashed before my eyes as I contemplated jumping through a hole in the floor I had found. The fire was right beneath me and all I had to do was fall in.


I never thought I would ever come that close to doing it(suicide) but, there I was ready and almost willing. I stopped myself because the person I was with in the fire was a good friend and that would put him at risk because I knew he would never let me go even if his own life ended because of it. I scared the hell out of myself I will not lie to you. I now look back at that time ten years ago and I realize that I was in a bad place.


Friend your in a different state than I will ever be because your hearing voices in your head and means you have something wrong. You may have a chemical imbalence or some other treatable disorder. I swear that if you get help you will be where I am now when I look back I get chills at how close I came to doing it. I guess what I am trying to say to you is that if you do kill yourself you will really have no idea how it is going to hurt everyone you know. Believe me that there are people in your life that love and care about you and maybe your in so much pain that you cannot see it.




If you need to talk please PM me,


Hubman 8)

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hey..i know how you feel. i know you think no one knows what it's like, but some of us really do. i've been soo close before, but i'm glad i didn't. once we realize what's going on in our lives that make us unhappy, we can take control of them and do something about it. be strong and do what you have to do. these problems are temporary, but death is permanent. you'll never know what youre missing out on, bc life can really be good sometimes. just please reconsider and do not commit suicide, so you can one day soon experience the good things life has to offer. just please realize this isn't going to be forever and you can do something about it. please, i've been there, trust me. if you ever wanna talk, please feel free to msg me. i mean, we're going to die one day anyway, so why not try and do what you can to make the best of it now? make the best of this life, do all you can. talk to someone. seek help. find a hobby. anything you have to do. check out these links...i'll catch you later..take care


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