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So last friday she called me said we should meet up, we met up on saturday, kissed all night, she came onto me.

then all of a sudden she left, (i posted this elsewhere in the "getting back together thread") anyway she did not answer her phone after that. before she left, that if we are gonna get back together, we should start from scratch, and she kept kissing me, kept hugging me.

following which i spoke to her yesterday, i called her, and said so about saturday, and she was like it meant nothing, i was drunk, yeah missed you but it was nothing. i am with someone else, who i went to see after you that night. she was literally laughing while saying this, just laughing about it all. she was like nothing has changed, i dont have those feelings, i was just drunk, i dont really miss you. i was drunk and horny. and she was the one who came onto me, invited me out etc.

i have cut all contact, deleted her number, taken her of FB, skype etc.

i dont understand, did she just want to see me to test the waters? just to see if she had any feelings? for a bit of attention? its crazy, i was so happy to be with her, i was so ready to give it another go, and she just cuts the chord. just like that. i am literally sinking, cant get her out of my head. i blame everything on myself, i dont want to lose her, not this way.

i was totally honest with her, and got my ass handed to me. and she is with someone else... JUST LIKE THAT?!

i am just sitting at work, lost for words, million thoughts running through my head, feel like breaking down.

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dont know who he is.. dont think i want to know either. funny thing is, she is going to the same places, and doing the same things as i did with her. like taking pics, eating the same things. insane. i cant get the picture of her with someone else out of my head.. i know its only going to get worse too.

ah man, this is crazy. i my driving myself to insanity.

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Well you have been given plenty of good advce since you started posting, and haven't seemed to have taken any of it onboard. My last take on the subject is to not get involved with letting her new man know anything, when you play those sort of games you will lose.


She has treated you badly for ages. When will enough be enough ?

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i did take it onboard to a certain point. i had no contact with her. i had no real interaction with her, until out of the blue she text me, wanting to meet up.

i have just recieved a text from her, apologizing for her bahviour last night. she said she thought maybe she can start to like me again, but on saturday realised she cant go back. i cant help but think its my fault, you cant force likeness BUT i should have been clear about things, let her have a chase rather than giving in.


she lied about the other guy there is no one else.. but says we will never be together. and that i deserve better.

well whatever. there is no rationalising anymore. whats done is done.

i feel like i am letting her slip, but i think its the best thing to do.

over and out from me for a while. i need to work on thigs myself. need to sort my life out.

once again to all the people that did help me, i salute and thank you.. till the next heartbreak my good friends.

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Some of the facts are missing in the story. The facts like what was your conversation with her when she was with you, kissing you and all...what happened just before she left...

Yes she came back because of the NC....

I am assuming a few things before telling you what happened but this is my perspective, 'She had some attraction for you but she was not sure so she wanted to see if there is really something, You must have done some of the things right and you ended up in kissing and all....but just in the middle something has happened which again got her to be not so sure about you...So she threw another test at you and which was to tell you that nothing has happened...and see how you react to that....Do you become a chaser, a wussbag...but you followed NC instead and sometimes NC pulls people back. And thats why she wanted to have some more time with you'....Finally i can gurantee you that you have no chance with her. So leave her and move on.

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No conversation, I wish we had talked about it more rather than acting like kids. But the more i think about it the more i see it the way it is. She just wanted to see what it was like.. and though initially it felt like the old times, it was nothing new and thats what she realised and left.

She behaved like a child after because she did not understand how to best approach it. She has lost me forever, thats for sure, maybe some sort of friendship will come but thats not going to be for a long while, and probably never.

I dont miss her, i miss what we were. its not the same. and its so sad.

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