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Question about rape

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There is this girl. We will call her Sally.

Sally went over to Jack's house. Jack wanted to have sex, but Sally didn't. Sally resisted, but finally tired of it and let Jack enter her. She knew she didn't want to do this, and felt violated when he began to have sex with her. She wasn't excited so it hurt her very much. Sally scratched Jack's back with pain, whimpering and crying out that it hurt very much, but he did not stop, nor acknowledge what she was saying for a while. Ten minutes later he asked her if it hurt, and she said yes very much, and his reply was, I'm going to do it again ( the penetration that caused her so much pain). He kept going until he saw her crying, and then only asked what was wrong, not if she wanted to stop. She had to push him off before he would stop.

Sally did not consent to this sexual intercourse. Is this considered rape?

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personally i would say so. she must be haveing a really hard time dealing with it. rape can have a bad impact on self esteem plus the trust they may have for anyone else. i'm really sorry that she had to go through something like that. I have had countless friends who have been raped, malestered and it not only took them along time to get over it but some times they resorted to sex or drugs to alter their state of consciousness so they wouldn't have the feeling of being completely useless or perverted. just help her to stay strong and not let the pain hold her back from living a happy life.

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Yes that is most definitly rape. She said no. He did it anyway. She even started crying and he still kept going... what the hell kind of a guy is he anyway? What a creep.


Stay far away from Jack.


Btw. Rape is not about sex. He had to have known that she didn't like it and he should stop when she FIRST said no. It is a control thing. He liked the control he had of the situation and he liked that she was helpless.


He is a coward.


She should call the police and report him and seek some help.

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"Sallie" definitely needs to tell a trusted adult what happened and get into counseling! I'm sure she won't WANT to tell, but she NEEDS to. Keeping this inside will only hurt her even worse. I've been there, so I understand what it's like.


She also needs to consider that "Jack" could easily rape someone else (if he hasn't already), so she needs to do what she can to stop him.

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  • 8 months later...

Why would you ask such a question??? If this is a true story, then it should be reported to some authorties, who will decide whether or not something criminal happened. If it didn't happen, then don't make up stories.


Sex is supposed to be about love, and something that both partners enjoy and are excited about. It is never an obligation, and it never involves hurting one's partner, even with consent. Rather than thinking about sexual assaults, why don't you write about the beauty or romantic and loving sex, esp. that which is found within a committed relationship ((ie. marriage).....

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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