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Friend Stuck Living with Cheating Boyfriend


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Is she on the current lease?


I think she should sit with him, explain it's not working and look for ways to break the lease. Then she should move out, get a roommate, a 2nd job, a loan, help from family/friends, decide she doesn't need cable or other such luxeries, etc.


Where there is a will there is a way. Anything is better than staying with a cheating boyfriend. Even if it means just renting a room somewhere...

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She is not "stuck". She can apply to live in the dorm. She can afford her own place - if she can afford to live with him, she can afford to move in with a female roomie unless he is footing her bills. There are plenty of situations where someoen - student or older female - is looking for a roomate or she can look at a room for rent or even a sublease for a few months.

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If he's footing her bills, she almost definitely can't afford her own place if that's the set up. Does she have a job? I know for some schooling (like certain grad schools) it is very, very hard to have full-time work and still concentrate on schools. Some schools have lots of clinical hours and it's just really hard and you need to dedicate most of your time to it.


I'll be honest, if I were in such a situation and was in such a school that I couldn't have gainful employment and work well in school at the same time...well, I'd try to move back in temporarily with my parents, until I finished up school on my own, and then I'd move out upon getting a job. If that were not possible at all, then I'd stay (temporarily) with the boyfriend but cross my legs to protect myself. If I'm homeless, I can't go to school, working towards a good job. I would just concentrate as much as I can on finishing school ASAP and then moving out as soon as I were able. It's not worth flunking out of school or being homeless for it. Fine, he can pay my bills. As soon as I'm done, I'm gone.

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I'd say get out when you can. Being in that situation is an emotional hell and prison. at some point your friend will have to get out or keep her emotions in check. my girl wanted me to move in with her bad, but I refused as it seemed she just couldn't foot the bill alone and she's a cheat...no way I'm putting myself through that, it was hell period for me emotionally, not trying to put myself in a trap like that. I'd crash mentally. my advice, get out ASAP.

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