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i cant believe i am here


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so after all the posts and all the crap before,

it happened last night we met up with a bunch of mutual friends, i find out she really missed me, we ended up making out the whole night, like it was before.. but then it got a bit weird.

she suddenly left and was like, ok ill speak to you soon. then i spoke to a friend this morning and he said when he asked her what she wanted, she said she did not know. she did not know if she wants to be with me..

i understand its weird to just jump back in.. so i want to take things slow.. i havent heard from her today.

but last night she kept saying how good we were, and we made mistakes but hey everyone makes mistakes. we should talk..

god jesus my head is such a mess, i dreamt of her all night long. i just dont know what to do..

i was making progress convincing myself to move on.. and now i am back here again, i think we are both equally as confused as to what we want.

any advice? has anyone been here before and if so what do you do?

also i think a lot of pressure is because ultimately i am scared that if things dont work out it will be worse than before.. and there is a lot of pressure to make thing work?

urghh i just dont know.

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dont think she is seeing anyone else, she did not mention it, neither did anyone else.

i want to be with her, and that much is clear in my head. just not in hers. i am gonna play it cool, and giver her some space. if she wants to call she knows where i am.

but the reason we broke up all that time ago was because i never valued her, i never called enough etc etc.. so you see its a bit hard to not do or say anything!

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is it possible that she misses the old times.. i know it wont be like that again.. i think thats just it.. she just like me misses the old times.. and knows its probably never going to be like that again. and thats what is so frstrating.. how do you move on to something better? when what you had was probably the best it could have been? i suppose you dont right?

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She wouldn't have left (that night) if you'd have just put the super confident moves on her and banged her right. She got some attention from you and left to go hookup with a dude that could keep her panties wet.


Whadaya know a skank. Next.


The reason why she wanted to make out though was 'cus you were moving on just fine. Next time (and there probably will be) reject her cold and diss her.

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she did not leave to get with someone else. but you are right, she got attention, got confused because its not what she expected and then left.

but i dont want to play games, these silly childish games. i told her if anything is going to happen, it has to be a fresh start.

the reason for the breakup was me being unavailable, but she loved it, now that i am available she doesnt know what to do.

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its unbelievable.

all she wanted was to see if i had moved on.. which clearly i had not, and now she is back to her normal self, happily moving on. hasnt even bothered to call or text me.

after all the things i told her that night. i am not going to give her the pleasure of knowing how i feel anymore. honesty seems to be the devil.

i am back at square one, feel like my gut is constantly sinking and i can do nothing but ride it out once again. awesome

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i am still struggling to understand what happened?

i mean she was all over me that night.. and then all of a sudden went off? i did try and call her just for a chat.. i remember her saying if anything happens it has to happen fresh, and her friend saying how she had missed me.. but maybe upon actually seeing me she realised she did not miss me but just the thought of me?

i am so messed up by all of this. i just need an answer, i mean i tried calling her and left her a polite message.. but she doesn't even have the decency to call back? she was the one who arranged the night, she was the one who invited me out she was the one who made the first move... what the hell?

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