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SO over the last month or so i have been doing ok, i had my regret and came very close to telling her things and breaking NC. but i resisted. and i reached a place where i was on a plain. as in, i was not depressed as such but i was also not happy, reason being i was scared of being depressed and happy, as they both end up the same way either crashing or just constantly feeling sad.

now that brings us to 2 days ago, i thought my ex was with the guy she left me for, but thats not the case, she is hurting really bad, and all i feel awful for not being there for her. what the hell! i mean i actually feel guilty for not reaching out to her to comfort her, i feel like i am being an * * * * * * * getting on with my life.. what is wrong with me?! its been a very sad realisation that we are never going to be together ever again, even though, yet i cant help but feel the guilt building, the guilt of being a bad friend, etc.

anyone else ever had this? does this mean i am way too co-dependant.. as in i dont care for myself as much as i care for her?!

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