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help!!! Shes my first love and I was hers :'( , I badly need her back

Sad Boy

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IM a guy of 18 years old


I and SHE were the best lovers, Shes my first love and I was hers and we cant spend atleast 3 hours without texting or calling each other, share every single thing with each other, so connected, so lovely, so affectionate, literally addicted to each other

It went for 8 months so nicely


WHAT happened ?

My girl friend and I, broke up 20 days ago because i didnt trust her, actually in her class my a very good friend of mine studies, so he wantedly added all the bad things and told me that she was with someone, we had this problem. She broke up with this reason that i didnt trust her and 10% shes afraid of love as her parents are inclined towards arranged marriage.



I explained her that, he was my best childhood friend, that the reason i believed him, I even fought with him and il never talk to him. She knows that too. She not ready to be back to relation.





we spent 15 days in NO CONTACT PERIOD,


she texted me with a silly reason on 15th day

then she asked me

>whether i removed her from mind or not? i said no i didnt ! and i cant remove you

>she said about few changes i her life, and she asked me whether I liked the changes in her?

i said it was fine and i also said that i stopped caring about what others got to say about her



then she said we will be friends and not in a relation.


>she texts for about 4-5 mins daily and when i ask why dont we txt little longer>she says that she does hav the feeling to text me more

>she calls me up once in two days and speaks about all her study problems and i just listen to her for 10-12mins

>When she go to know that i was enjoying a party, she texted that even she was going to attend a party:

i was like "ok thts nice, hav a gud one BYE "




1.I feel miserable being her friend, i want her love back

2.She says she dosent feel like texting me for long, how to generate passion to love me back in her

3.should i stop talking to her and go back to no contact period or just continue talking to her and try to get her back

Plese, this is the situation, I want her back badly, Im crying everyday when she looks at me as friend and spends less time for me I love her, even she has some hidden special feeling for me, but its bit tough to bring it out.



how to get her back in my arms ??????

Il begg u people

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If she doesn't want to be with you or communicate with you on a lengthy basis there is really nothing you can do. No amount of crying or trying to manipulate is going to work. The want has to come from her. Obviously she doesn't feel the same way you do right now. Her feelings may change or they may not. Don't put your life on hold for someone else. You can't do anything to make someone come back but you can do things that will actually push them further away.

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Stop contacting her completely and stop replying to her. Get yourself emotionally together first and then maybe she would come back. You're being extremely needy and clingy, which is unattractive to her. Just stop replying to her, get busy and do something fun. You don't need anyone, you just want the feelings associated with her. Learn to have a fun life alone first, and then maybe she will come back. Right now, she might just be using you to heal herself, because she knows you're available any time, while making you suffer. Stop contacting her, no texting, no email, no facebook, completely make her disappear from your life and don't stalk her in anyway. It's the only shot you got at getting her back, make it count

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