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How do dumpers feel whenever they hear sad love songs?

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My ex girlfriend loves mellow and sad love songs. she never likes those rock, pop or any noisy songs. her ipod is full of sad love songs while my ipod is full of pop songs instead.


im just wondering what does she feels whenever she hear or listen to those sad love songs most likely songs about, "being left by someone you love" "missing someone you love" "remembering the memories together" and so on....


because she likes those songs alot..


well for some dumpers out there, how do u feel whenever you listen to those kind of songs?

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Having been a dumper and dumpee, and listening to a lot of morose music (check out Damien Rice's whole discography), it doesn't make me think of the person but of just feeling something. Lady Gaga, Rihanna, all that crap, it makes me feel absolutely nothing. There's no depth to it. The sad crap at least makes me feel like I'm listening to something about the human condition. Rarely does it make me think about one person.


It's funny how you notice certain lyrics so much more when you've just broken up with someone, though. My recent ex lied to me constantly right up until the end, and now I can't help but notice how many hundreds of songs out there feature someone who's been lying.

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Well nothing. The times I have been the dumper, I could not care less. Normally, if you are through with someone unless there are extraordinary circumstances, you are relieved that they are not on your door step with flowers begging you to reconsider. You just feel fantastic that they are out of your life and if sad songs come yourself, they are more often than not likely to remind you of your own struggles not theirs.


For example now, there is some bizarre man fasting over me and sending tonnes and tonnes of church 'doves' to me with secret messages. I am so irritated by him particularly because this has been going on for ages and I have told him and his messengers to back off. He has not accepted my denial and chooses to hold hope. Well, that is his problem. I bet he is listening to sad songs too and feeling sorry for himself... so yes, it sounds cruel but perspective is always like that... your side of the story is your side of the story. Period!

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