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Everything posted by Daisycries

  1. I understand the place you are in because i think i have just entered that kind of head space. I don't feel like i'm going to die if we don't get back together. Also, if we do i want it to be after healing and space as we both really need it. Me and my ex ended on brilliant term, it was a touching goodbye. Then i had to contact him over some bills and he got annoyed (i still have no clue what about) and he told me he would be happier to never see me again. We have been broken up 8 weeks now. I actually like NC, its helped me loads. I'm not struggling with not contacting him. I know couples that have broken up for long periods of time, dated other people and still got back together. When i sit and think i know loads of couples. 9 years is a long time. I have found that when the relationship is long, the dumpers continue to think long about their decision long after the "official breakup". When you go NC, then she will really have time to reflect on her decision, this is when the real breakup starts.
  2. Hey Fraggle Opps, i didn't word that very well. I meant all my ex that i have been with longer than 6 month have tried to come back. Although, a few short ones have too. I'd say they have contacted me between 2 - 7 months. And YES ..some of them was very messy, hurtful...horrible breakups. The ones that have dumped and bad words were said at the end have all eventually contacted me. One of them did it 2 am in the morning, said he was thinking about me. A complete shock. I remember how we ended aswell. I went around to see him one day and he said he was not bothered if i was there or not. He told me he couldn't be bothered to go anywhere but i could stay at his if i wanted but he wasn't really fussed. I walked out his house and said bye but i never contacted him again. Then 2months later he was blowing up my phone. Another relationship ended with me writing the most horrible things to him via text, i played on his insecurities and told him i would never want to be like him. I'm not proud of the things i said. Around 7 months, he started texting me reminiscing about the good times we had together. Trying to get me back but i was in a new relationship by then. It really seems to happen when i have already moved on.
  3. I believe so, all my exes over 6 months have reached out or tried to get back with me. I think time and letting go is important. thanks for your story
  4. That is a lovely story and warms my heart. I meant, how long were you broken up for? Did you go a period without speaking if so how long? How long were you together? Sorry for all the questions..hehe x
  5. How long after the break up did he say this? I think this is very sweet
  6. Hey guys, i do know a few people that have broken up and then after a few months got back together. I am going to check the details and update this thread. I do have one story to share about my boss. He was with this girl for over a year, they had lots of ups and down but he wanted to marry her. She started to go a bit strange on him, she seemed to have erratic mood swings which caused them to argue a lot. Things were not going well and in the end he left her. He went NC and they didn't speak at all. 4.5 months later he decided he finds himself thinking about her and wishing they could give it one more try so he wrote her a letter and posted it. They are now seeing how things go. I thought it was very sweet that he wrote her a letter as he is not the romantic type but he was not happy without her in his life.
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