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Should I call the ex? found out his grandma has cancer :(...

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I found out not too long ago that his grandmother, (who i used to get along with really well) has cancer, and I feel really bad and concerned ...

I want to call him, and ask if she is ok, the family hasn't told her what she has exactly, she is a nervous person, so they don't wanna worry her...she just knows that is a potential oportunity that she has cancer...


but I feel really sad this is happening, as I know that my exes family is really tight, I called his grandma directly to try to avoid calling him, but when I asked how she was doing (as a general question) she didn't volunteered the info, so I obviously didn't push the issue.

But I'm still concerned, and I would like to know how she's doing.

I never got along too well with my exe's mom, so to call her....i don't know... she e-mailed me this morning,( can you believe it, we talk more now thru e-mails, than the whole time I was with her son, I think she likes it better this way, as she always thought I was't good enough for him) anyways, she but also didn't say anything about her mom's health.

I guess i have no choice huh? i also want to call him to know how he's doing, I still care for him, i've been doing NC for 2 weeks, last time he called me and we spoke for a while...we broke up in May2004, 2yr live-in- relationship, i'm the dumpee...we were fighting too much for stupid stuff....he broke it off, I moved out, now I'm with someone new, which I'm beginnignt to care for, but I know i still have feelings for the ex....he was my first " I love you" guy, know what I mean? I wasn't his...


Should I call?

I don't want him to think i'm using this as an excuse to call... seriously.. I really care about his old G's health....

what do you guys think...

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You've already contacted his grandmother, which was nice of you. Regarding your ex, I don't advise calling him. Instead, send a card that simply lets him know you are thinking about him and his family during this difficult time. Something along those lines, but keep it short, simple, and sincere.

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you guys are right, I shouldn't call, its a good idea about the card, that's exactly what i'll do..


this forum is cool, because I was soo close to dialing that number, but I decided to type first, and it makes sense,

I'm not in his life anymore, so these type of issues, I gotta deal with them completely different now....

Thanks guys!

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dont call or contact him or his family especially if you were the one that hurt him. I know I go to my family members and let them know exactly how I feel about someone in a past relationship so they can better help me get over that person. The truth is if he doesn't like you, his family probably doesn't and you may just be the last person they wanna hear from in this difficult time.

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