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I dont know what ive done :(


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if you dont know my story my (ex) disappeared 2 weeks ago today.


i was being moody in our last conversation but we agreed to see eachother the next day.


then he ignored me - tried to speak to him about a week, left him alone this week. msged him on fb and he said "go away".


I have NO IDEA why he is doing this. had plans to go out with a new girl-friend tonight but just feel so * * * * ty dont know if i can even do it


i shouldnt have msged him but he is (Was) my bf surely i have a right to know what is going on

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Unfortunately , there are a lot of us who are still waiting for answers, but it's probable we will never get them. In the mean time we have to get on with our lives as best we can , we cannot wait for them to do the right thing, or let us know what we did wrong or whether they are coming back.


You should go out, try and have some fun. You cannot and must not put your life on hold, especially for a low life who vanishes into thin air


Keep smiling, try and enjoy your weekend

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This guy continues to be a jerk. He has done this several times before. You need to find your self-respect back and cut the chord with this guy for good. His behavior is absolutely ridiculous and he keeps pulling the same stunt with you.


You keep taking him back after he behaves this way thus him continuing to believe and feel what he is doing is okay and right. This guy is not ever going to be able to properly commit to you simply because he is way too selfish to do such a thing. I think it's time you start focusing on healing from what he has put you through. Get your confidence back and begin pursuing other possible relationship partners because this guy is not it.



You should do exactly what he asked of you....Go away, but this time stay away forever!

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