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How do I get a girlfriend?


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I like this girl from my class. She kinda likes me. we just had a movie things when i there were 3 girls and 2 boys including me. We were walking and i was walking way in front. One of the girls called me back. When we went to the movies i bought the popcorn and payed for most of all the arcade tokens. then shes like all silent. She has all the same interests as me and i dont know how to communicate with her because i am a shy person. i started chatting to her and got to no lots about her. we chat about personal things on msn messenger and txt messaging. But my friend and i were chatting and we were talking about the movie. He said i had to brighten up and not be embarrassed when i talk then we started discussing who we like in our class. I ALSO LIKE THIS OTHER GIRL. so i said their names. my friend was later talking to the other girl tht i like and she was all sad because no one liked her. my friend then said tht i had a crush on her. Later the first girl tht i like was talking to me and she knows i like tht other girl because the other girl told her because she was a close friend. so she starts talking and i am worried because if she knows i like another girl then she wouldnt like me.



i know it is really confusing but plz help me asap



thx in advance



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Ya gl with ur attempt with this girl and i hope everything goes well.Dont worry for many of us nervousness is our middlename and its hard for us to even instigate a conversation with a girl.Like me i cannot get the initiative to go up to this girl and talk to her at least u have already done something with her so u should have a good chance gl!

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ive talked to her i said if u just wnt to be friends pretend i neva said it, then she said "How long have u liked me?" so i said like 2 months and she said "it okay if we just stay friends?" and i said yea. then she said i gotta go and went offline


is tht a good thing or a bad thing? was it a good start?


oh well


i probably ruined it




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Like I always say, feel free to ignore me, but it sounds to me like you may have messed up a little.


"Let's just stay friends" usually means "I don't like you that way, and I'm not attracted to you that way". Maybe it's just me, but I just don't think just *telling* a girl you like her is a good idea. In some situations, she could get creeped out (not in this case, since you two are friends), it can make you seem weak and wussish (crappy word, i know), it can even seem inconsiderate. In my opinion, you should continue to be her friend, but not really make any direct gestures that you like her. Get closer to her, but leave her hanging with a little mystery.


As for right now, I guess you should pretend you never told her you liked her, and pretend not to really like her in that way. Even flirt with other girls in front of her. Even if she doesn't like you, she won't be able to help but just feel a little jealous, since you told her you liked her (at least thats how I get sometimes, shame on me).


Good luck.

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